This page is my launching pad for information and links that relate to the science fiction genre of Space Opera - the essence of "true", old-time science fiction.
I hope to provide you information and links on some of the great authors of days gone by, like:
John W. Campbell
E. E. "Doc" Smith (The Lensman and Skylark Series),
Edmond Hamilton (Captain Future),
Still more Captain Future story info. Note that this isn't the anime stuff either.
I also want to introduce you to those that are still keeping this tradition alive, like David Weber and his Mutineers Moon stories.
Right now, this page is under construction. In fact, I'm just now breaking ground! However, I would pose a couple of questions to you, the visitor:
1) What is YOUR definition of Space Opera,
2) Who are your favorite Space Opera authors,
3) What books, stories, TV shows or movies would you consider to be primary example of "good" Space Opera, and why?
All those who submit material will be credited for their inputs.
If you have other suggestions for information to be included here, send me an email at:
Please include the words "space opera" or [SpOp] in the subject line, so I can pick it out of the mass of emails I get each day.
Number of hits to this page since 4 April 1998 is