Welcome to the Home Page of Randy J. Jost

One of my favorite past times is Science Fiction.  It influenced me greatly when I was growing up (as if that's done!), and probably contributed to my interest in technical and scientific matters, as well as linguistics and other languages.

On this page, I intend provide information and links on several aspects of Science Fiction, as well as other assorted topics that strike my fancy. All of these sections are interconnected, in the sense that I am interested in the technical aspects of science fiction, especially the genre of space opera, of which I consider Perry Rhodan and Battlestar Galactica reasonably good examples in print and on the screen, respectively. Also, I am interested in linguistics and languages, and how they are portrayed in science fiction, as well as how we use (and abuse) them in everyday life.

One thing I want to develop is a page that helps explain:

The Science in Science Fiction

I also intend to provide information about Space Opera, one of my favorite Science Fiction Genres.

Space Opera

I will have information about two of my SF loves of the past and present:

Battlestar Galactica

Perry Rhodan

I also intend to put some pages and links here dedicated to:

Linguistics and languages

You will find links to various SF sites in other languages scattered throughout these pages. Additionally, I am interested in how people communicate, how you express meanings in different languages, and the things that are barriers to good communication (Government/Military speak comes to mind). Would we really want to allow someone with a background in government, military, advertising, politics or the law to speak to any extraterrestrials that landed here?

I want to explore these and other issues, but that will have to wait until I have a little more time and I get some of the other pages started.

Finally, I have a small section devoted to miscellaneous items. Whatever strikes my fancy will be found here. And while I am fond of puns, I promise not to subject you to too much pun-ishment! After all, not everyone thinks they are punny.

Abandon Hope (and maybe reason) All Ye Who Enter Here!

Mysterious Miscellany!

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Last Modified: June 14, 1998
Sections Updated:
Battlestar Galactica Pages - More fans added to the Fan Location List
General House Cleaning

Number of hits since 4 April 1998 is

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© 1998, Randy J. Jost