Hello, I'm keiko.
Obviously I have not made my page a great wonder, but I'll work on it.
Alright, so my page is a little cluttered and messy...but I'm working on it!
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My Pages:
Project A-ko Page
A-ko Gallery
Last Unicorn Gallery(very small)
Take my SURVEY!
Web Rings

A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko
B-ko is the best, I have to say...but everyone has their own opinion!
Anime Links
*Special* link page!

If you have anything you would like me to add to this page, please e-mail me.
Tell a friend about this (teehee) AWESOME site. Thank You!
Want to see a picture of Sailor Moon? Click HERE.
You are special.
© 1997 keiko_90@hotmail.com
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Okay, so I fixed my page up a bit... but it still needs a lot of work. I wish it didn't take so long! Oh well, I'll get around to it, eventually.