Greetings and Welcome Netizens, this Area 51 place seems to be quite
empty now "" despite all of the rumours we hear.
Anyway don't despair as I'm sure that I can at least fill a
a few corners here with some "REAL" Alien stuff.
Methinks: after all said and done, I am British and I reside
in the good ol' USA, and so I guess that does qualify
me as an alien don't you think?
Anyway, what I would like to do here is to share with
you some varied British stuff. Which will include:
Alien Pub Songs? Naaarh!
Medieval Music
Folk Music ra's
Bargain CD-R's & Duplication Service!
Read London Newspaper
Children's Page
Cockney Jargon
My Business
At the moment I am setting up my links to the above, so
please bear with me as I am sure that when you return
your "encounter" will be well worth the wait.
Until then I say "KEEP LOOKING UP " 

HRM Queen Elizabeth II
Official Web Site

DJ and Darien
A large part of my

Please Email me at: 
Have a nice Day ! and please come back again soon.