
Click the banner below & check out my music!

Last update was on Sunday Aug 29th 2004
"Hi Ganifwends"

Greetings and Welcome Netizens, this Area 51 place seems to be quite
empty now "echo echo" despite all of the rumours we hear.
Anyway don't despair as I'm sure that I can at least fill a
a few corners here with some "REAL" Alien stuff.

Methinks: after all said and done, I am British and I reside
in the good ol' USA, and so I guess that does qualify
me as an alien don't you think?

Anyway, what I would like to do here is to share with
you some varied British stuff. Which will include:

Alien Pub Songs? Naaarh!
Medieval Music
Folk Music ra's
Bargain CD-R's & Duplication Service!
Read London Newspaper
Children's Page
Cockney Jargon

My Business

At the moment I am setting up my links to the above, so
please bear with me as I am sure that when you return
your "encounter" will be well worth the wait.

Until then I say "KEEP LOOKING UP "

HRM Queen Elizabeth II
Official Web Site

DJ and Darien

A large part of my American Dream

Please Email me at: ganimead@geocities.com

Have a nice Day ! and please come back again soon.

You were visitor number:

This is a direct feed from the Missing Children Web Site. Periodically the site will go down. I apologize if what you see is a broken Icon. This is someones's niece or nephew. It could be your neighbour's child, someone you know from school, and of course the worst scenario, your brother, or your sister. Your daughter, your son or your Grandchild. So Please, look at the changing pictures each and every time you visit this site. There is a family out there who mourns for this CHILD
You may be able to help
Thank You


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