Frosty's Page
Well, everyone knows that Frosty making a page isn't just possible, but he doesn't do too bad of a job at it! I'm here, and I'm having the time of my life on the net. making my page has taken on a new meaning. Call me crazy, but my webpage is like "therapy" to me. I get very calm when I work on my page, that I don't think about real life, and anything that bothers me in it. Yup... I'm a net junkie. My name is Frosty and I'm a web-a-holic!
Well, if you didn't notice this is all new text now. Yes, the pack rat that I am decided to get rid of most of the old text. I couldn't do without all of it! I'd go crazy! Well, this next is a list of the things that I wanted to do. I did most of them, but also made my own modifications. This is what really happend:
1) A separate page for the
~* I not only did that, but I split them into different catagories! *~
2) Frames? Nope... No frames... that idea's out the tube! I never did like Frames... they just get in the way. Who needs them... well, other than the porn places with the thumbnails on the side. That makes it easier to get porn. You can always look at those thumbnails while you wait for the BIG picture. I LOVE frames there... I mean... What porn sites?! ;op
3) A friends page ~* Well Sorry about this, but it's not going to happen. It's too hard with as many friends as I have (not to brag! ;oP) Instead I have a real good page with links to their pages (i.e. go to the links link!) *~
4) A
~* I'm proud of this. My true and unsolisited feelings about the one I love. No, I do love milk, but I'm not going to kiss a cow like on TV. The one I am talking about is the one and only Donna. *~
5) A page about
~* It's done! Check me out! Take me home! Introduce me to your parents! Just don't let Donna know. Oh, and I need to be back in time for work! *~
The five New & Improved values of Augustana College
~* Yup. It's up and running. Everything (not really) you either needed to know about Augustana, or everything that you knew, but were afraid to ask! I love Augie, really I do! *~
Ok! You may have noticed the links above, that means that my dreams are coming true! This page is being redone, so watch your head! Please mail me your comments! ~* Yup, I'm going to be letting my page rest and see what I can get for visitors. I'm still planning on adding more pics once they get scanned. SO STAY TUNED! *~
I'm always desparate for E-mail!
Ok... This is the NEW (yet old) STUFF!!!! Thanks again for coming to my page and seeing a part of my life. I have more to bare though. Lots more. In fact have you seen "The Full Monty"? Anyways, people wouldn't want to see that. Well, maybe for money... but I bet I know what they would like to see more is plain regular pictures!
Picture pages, picture pages, now it's time for picture pages...
Well, if you come here every now and then, you can tell that this page is finally going through some changes. I don't have all of the green anymore, and I got some backgrounds that fit my moods better for the pages that they are on. ~* Check out the page about me! *~ If you have any ideas, or things that you want to tell me, just sign the guestbook, or write me. I check either one of them at least once a day!
The Shrine
Yes. The Shrine. If you have looked above it is #4 on my list of things to do, or things I want to get done this summer. Well... it's finished! If anything I'll do a couple of little minor adustments, but I'd love for you check it out. It is a shrine to one person in my life, and well... I'll let it speak for itself:
I hope you enjoy it! Donna did!
Well, I got all of my bookmarks up. It seems as though I've been to a lot more sites, and I wanted to put more up, but these are the only ones I could think of. If there are any more just let me know! I'm always looking for places to go on the net, so if you suggest something, please let me know!
OK... If you would like to have a link from my page, just let me know. I've done all that I could, and I know I am missing a few people. I still need to check my bookmarks for the others I've missed. I'm sorry that I haven't got to it. I've been uh... busy. *snicker* ~* I think I got everyone. Tom, I need your URL though. I lost it somewhere and I can't find it. If you know who you are, identify yourself and your page! *~
Yes! More New Text! Ok... check it out. One of the parts to this page being redone is on it's way to being done. If that confused you, just go back up to #1 up above to the things that I wanted to do to this page... go ahead, I'll wait
Ok... for those of you who didn't need to look, or are back (that didn't take long) here is the NeW lINkS pAgE!
This is it!
Ok, I finally did it. I never found a reason to actually put a chat room on my site, but I thought, what the hell! Actually I know that my old frineds on and off of the net are growing further apart, and I don't want that to happen, so I encourage you to PLEASE bookmark this site and go to the chat room to find me there. I only have a couple of rules for you to follow:
1) behave
2) be courtious to others
3) come back often
I hope this gets to be a big thing, and everyone will get to see everyone else who I consider my friends.
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And always remember when you are in Frosty's room, you need to....
Help a college Kid out! Every time you shop here though THIS site, a donation will be given to the FcF, or the Frosty college Fund. Thank you and God bless.
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