Currently on the gaian network
"Nutty-nutty-nutty my love for you. I can’t believe my dreams come true. I’ve finally found somebody whose heart is true, And best of all you love me to, And nutty-nutty-nutty my love for you. I can’t believe my dreams come true. I’ve finally found somebody whose heart is true, And best of all you’re nutty-nutty-nutty for me. "
"Can't fall asleep tonight, i don't know what to do. I hold my pillow but i wanna be holding you. And when i close my eyes, i only see your face. I know my happiness is only a kiss away. And every hour here in the dark Every beat of my lonely heart
"If the sun should refuse to rise and the moon doesn't hang in the night, the tides won't change, the seasans re-arrange, when the world is through, i will still love you"
"god knows that your a sexy thing. its taking everything from me not to kiss you over, under, feelings i feel the thunder. how the hell can i not want ya"
"these are the times we all wish for, the moment when less means so much more, you dont have to do a thing at all, we can take our time and talk. And this is the way things need to be no pressure from you and none from me, just let the mood set the moement on we can make love or not at all"
"anytime when i just wanted to get the passion started. but i had to wait for you for mine. Everytime that we got together, i could tell that you were better then all the other girls i liked. Now that youur with me i can see clearly, no doubt, it was worth all my time. Whenever i need you always seem to know how to make things alright"
the symbol
of a truly
DEEP and
ONCE in a lifetime
You find somebody speacil,
Your lives intermingle
And somehow you know
This is
Of all you have longed for,
you can build on.
A LOVE that will grow...
Once in a lifetime,
To those who are lucky,
A miracle happens
And dreams come true--
I KNOW it can happen.
It happened to me,
ME "once in a lifetime"
(i wished i wrote it but i not that smart if i am smart at most u ppl know y i bought those val's that i think abt it...i dun think anybody got me one....:P oh well....)
You are not thespecial thanx to ^mysty^,WhoKnowZ, Blitzkrieg and CyberBoB^ ^_^ (from the way this is going i need a page for this) :D
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