Welcome to my World!!
Hello to all those who have ventured this far.
*sigh* Seems like I can never leave my pages alone. I am sure you have already noticed that I have changed the design on my pages yet again. It will take a little while until everything is finished, but have a look around and see if you like it. If you do (or even don't) let me know!!!
As for what will be next, well, I was thinking of including a section on dollhouses. I have one myself, and thought it might interest you how to build one. Not from scratch, but from a practically empty shell. It will even include plans for furniture. Do you think that's a good idea? Tell me! But that is still far into the future, I haven't even the pictures had developed I already have taken ....
Another idea of mine is to include a page or two on "Dexter's Laboratory". It's my favourite cartoon series, and of course I want the world to know that *g*.
So, in order to keep up with the whirlwind of information on this page, quickly bookmark it!! And now, on to what is already here. Go right on and ENJOY:
Last Update: December, 15th 1998 by Tina

By the way, you are visitor number since July, 7th 1998.
Awards I have won.
This site has only won one award so far, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

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