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July 9, 2000

Thank God it's fixed. I wouldn't want these things reproducing.
July 5, 2000
I hope someone from the Tagi Tribe wins Survivor. The Pagong guys just piss me off. Tagi had a few good looking people but Pagong looked like swimsuit models. (Not helped by the fact that they only seemed to wear swimsuits all day.) I will admit that Pagong has the super-cute girl, but I can't even remember her name. Of the ten people left on the island I can't remember any of the Pagong's names except Gretchen. On the other hand I remember almost all the names from Tagi except for the young guy. I think. For more about my Survivor fan crap, I guess I'll put it on the Timmy section.
I also saw the episode of Digimon where Patamon digivolves into Angemon, the most powerful of the second level digivolved digimon. It was okay, but I thought episode 52, where he digivolves into Holy Angemon, the most powerful digimon, was better. It's cool that the little cute digimon that looks like a helpless winged gerbil turns into a huge avatar of goodness that can create a gateway to hell where he banishes his enemies.
July 2, 2000
I just checked my grades. I got a C in my Neuroscience class. Probably because my term paper was a bad Star Trek story. I ended up having Picard say something about insomnia, and then haveing Dr. Crusher dispute the point, and then have Data bring up an obscure medical reference. Of course, it's possible I did really well on that paper since I studied for three hours on the final, in ten minute increments over two weeks. I probably failed the final. I went into the term paper and final with a C. To retain a C I either had to get a A on one and a F on the other, a B on once and a D on the other, or C on both. I'm betting on the C/C, because both were substandard, if I do say so myself.
July 1, 2000 All acknowledge the power of Psyduck.

June 6, 2000
WB is going to air Card Captor Sakura, calling it Card Captors. They make it seem like the show is an action packed anime where Sakura and Li chase monster cards. Uh, no. And I hear that they're releasing a subbed and a dubbed DVD so that the subbed can be unedited. Christ, I'm just sticking to realplay episodes. Leave it to America to fuck it all up.
June 05, 2000
I slammed a door on my finger. Is it bad when your skin turns black?
June 02, 2000 The commercials are really getting on my nerves. I've got no problem with their anti-tobbacco company messages. Freedom of speach and all that. But I can't help but think that the people coming up with the commercials are retarded. The fake parody ones were funny, but the rest are so stupid. First there were the ones where you had a bunch of Gen-Xers trying to fuck around with tobacco company executives by doing shit like dropping fake corpses off at the home offices. Publicity stunts which in no way help further their cause or inform people. And they weren't even original about it, ripping off most of their ways to fuck with the executives from Micheal Moore's television show, TV Nation. And at least Micheal Moore had an vengence for the little guy aspect to his version. These guys were doing it in an arrogant, we're better than them so we can fuck with these bastards as much as we want, frat boy, attitude. The attitude these commercial conveyed were of people pissed off at the tobacco companies more than they were interested in saving people's lives. It was like they hate the companies for killing people but not giving a shit about the people that were killed. This attitude is furthered in their latest batch of commercials. They take these retarded webcam point of views, have people read posts from's message board and then respond to them. According to these commercials it's all the tobacco companies' fault. Smoking carries no personal responisbilities, the tobacco companies are responsible for everything. It's their fault that kids smoke, it's their fault people don't quit, it's their fault that floods happen. Oh and guess what, according to no other form of death is as bad as what the tobacco companies are doing. Gangs are killing our youth, well yeah, but the tobacco companies are killing everyone and not giving a shit. These guys have the most flawed reasoning I've ever seen. And I know a guy who thinks it's wrong for diseased people to ask others to contribute money to help find the cure since they're only asking out of self interest. tells us the tobacco companies don't care that they're selling something fatal. That's it. They offer the problem but not the solution. Well thanks a lot. Big help.
May 23, 2000 Channel 58 had a report about how comic books which have been translated from Japanese, in this case Sailor Moon, might have naked people in them. They interviewed a guy and had him credited as a "Comic Book Expert". His knowledge shared? That Japan has different cultural values and for them naked people is common sense. Good going channel 58, glad you blew the lid off that story. Next they can investigate that whole, Catholics don't like birth control, thing. Geez.
May 20, 2000 Life sucks. Duckman is funny. That is all.
May 17, 2000 I need to get out of the house. I'm getting cabin fever. I'm also on a sleep schedule of 12 to 20 hours a day.
May 16, 2000 No longer living in LA there aren't as many chances to watch Japanese Programming. In LA I could watch designated times on channels 52, 46, and 18. (Channel 18 was cool, I understand X'2001 & Ravenslarke's mother is in charge of the Japanese stuff.) In Sacramento I can either try and get the channel 26 broadcasts from San Francisco on Sunday nights or watch the Asian hours on the International Channel, ten to midnight. Of course only an hour on Monday is Japanese, the other hour has host speaking in English and is devoted to Korean pop music. Oh and found out today that my Dad has cancer.
May 15, 2000 The Sacramento Bee had an article about the today's rather shallow bubblegum pop and the possihble future of it. Basically the only part I cared about was the mention of the saturation point, where there will be so many young singers and bands on the market pandering to the same MTV-shallow-as-hell-crowd that only the ones with substance will survive, the rest going the way of New Kids on The Block. (This should come as no big surprise, it seems similar to the British Invasion of the 60's.) I think that only the people or bands which realize how fickle their current success is based on their meaningless pop feel is and change to more substantial songs will persist. (It worked for Micheal Jackson and Alanis Morissette.) In the end the whole thing reminds me of the time my roommate's girlfriend went to see a Backstreet Boys concert, within spitting distance of the stage, and refused to throw a brick at AJ for me. (I know his name because you should always know the name of the people you hate.)
May 14, 2000 Let's see if I can hold onto this thing template for more than six months.