Alien Analysis via B.E.A.N technology

B.E.A.N. Gaga Investigators (B.G.I.) is wholly owned by

Bromas Y. Tonterias C/S

This image is the result of BEAN technology analysis. It reveals the Aliens true Cranial Capacity. This image was totally unremarkable until it was analyzed.

Biodigital Electroptical Analysis Neuralizer (B.E.A.N.) technology is new and presents to us a new way of looking at photography, old and new. For your consideration and perusal, I present BEAN technology enhanced images of picayune significance, pure MENTIRAS that prove finally...

They are already here!

According to Dr. "Cal" Calificaciones Deun Pendejo, "They are not just watching us. They talk to us on a daily basis. We just haven't been able to recognize them." It is possible that they no longer can distinguish themselves from us. But I doubt it. The development of BEAN technology has allowed us true humans Homo Sapiens to "see" the differences. Some differences are plainly visible but intimacy with the subject is required. Some of the differences have become blurred because of interbreeding. That's right, you're uncle's ancestors may be from another solar system in the Seventh Quadrant! There is a paucity of evidence that suggests we now share DNA.

It is sufficiently troublesome that some employees of BGI have called for diverting a portion of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, SETI. They feel it could be better used to search for the Aliens that already live with us.

For more background information please jump to Notes: Aliens on Earth.

Help Me Reveal / Unmask These Interlopers!

Investigator "Al" Algo Pornada, requests: "With your help we can expose them. I am not anti-alien. I am not paranoid of any harm some have suggested they may attempt. I just want to know the extent to which they have influenced humanity". If you e-mail (or snail mail) photographs of suspected aliens, BEAN Technology Inc. will have it analyzed. If you have located an alien the BEAN image will be posted on this page, or emailed back to you. Once they have been revealed many of your questions about their behavior will no longer seem relevant. You will have new insight.

This is a student attempting to enroll in an exclusive private school. Institutions of various sorts are submitting photos to BGI for analysis of recruits and applicants.

BEAN enhanced images of Aliens!

Aliens have be located in a variety of jobs and socio-economic situations. They're ubiquitous and yet indistinguishable to us. Apparently their habitat range in the United States is from trailer parks to Beverly Hills. I have temporarily grouped them by age groups. I have devoted a page to each group. Unfortunately our funding and technology has been limited, therefore sightings have been limited to the continental USA. The WWW has allowed us to receive images from around the world and they are just beginning to arrive and be processed.

Pix Gallery Categories

Adults Young Adults Teenagers
Preteens Mixed Groups Famous Aliens

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 E-mail pictures of suspected aliens to: B.E.A.N. Gaga Investigators

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