The Caster Longbow. A mod for the Computer game The Elders Scrolls III Morrowind.

The Caster Longbow is a modified Daedric longbow that now uses 9 different shells(arrows) that it spawns and equips for you. Each time the bow is equiped it will ask you what type of shell you want to use and will spawn that type of shell and equip it so you only need to pull back the string and let them fly. The bow also has the ability to change how strong the shells are according to what level the player is at. The Caster Longbow will spawn stronger arrows for each 5 levels the charector goes up in level, up to a maximum of level 41. Any level reached that is higher then 41 will not make the arrows any stronger. This way the bow is closelly ballanced to what a player would most likelly be putting out for dammage at that given level. The bow also comes with a "Remote Control" by the name of a "Shell Selector". If you have this item set for one of the hot keys, it allows you to change what type of shell you are using simply by equiping it. This way you don't have to open up your inventory during a battle if you find out your Fire Shell doesn't work very well on a Shalk beetle.

The shells are as follows:
Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison, Soul Trap, Paralasis, Vampiric, Acid, and Impact.

Caster Longbow Version 1.1