Yet Another Highlander Page

(aka- My Baby)


Yes, I know I used this picture on my old page, but I like it, gosh darn it!


Well, here is my Highlander page, in all its revised glory. I've added the Immortal top 40, which is a list of songs, complied from survey submissions from the Rysher Highlander Forum, and I have finally gotten rid of that hideous background on my links page!

My rantings are still intact, as is my fan fiction section, both with all new material, I swear!

The Bright Blades Award!
The Bright
Blades Award
For having a sharp page!

I won awards!

| Immortal Top 40 | About Me | Fan Fiction | Ranting and Raving | Links | Gallery | E-mail |

Highlander is the property of Davis/Panzer, not me. I am not recieving any income from this page, nor taking any credit for Duncan, Richie, Amanda, Joe, Methos, Fitzcairn, or any of the others from the show, or the episodes themselves. I intend no copyright infringment, but if there are any problems, e-mail me, and I will fix it ASAP.

You are visitor since 3/28/98


Last Updated 6/16/98

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