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    People have called me by many different names, but I prefer to be known as Yasmin Sahia.  For about a year now, I've called Mos Eisley "home", even though I was born on Beriagne--THAT place makes Tatooine look like one of the Core Worlds!  When I was four Standard years old, Grandpa started teaching me a little bit about the Force.  All I ever wanted at that point was to be a Jedi.  But that was not to be.  Not even three weeks after Grandpa began teaching me, he was killed in the Purges.  I was forced to run away, and haven't been back to Beriagne up until this time.
    I had to make my way in the galaxy somehow; the ship I stowed away on ended up on Nar Shaddaa--definitely not a place for a little child.  I'd beg in the streets, pick pockets from those too drunk to notice or care, and get involved in scams where a "family" cover story was needed.  Naturally, this led to smuggling.  From the time I was six up until about seven months ago, I was heavily involved with "the business", as it's called.
    I thought my belief in the Force--and my capacity to love--had died along with Grandpa all those years ago... that changed right about the time I started becoming respectable.  No sooner did I arrive at Mos Eisley than I met up with A'vedik N'kas, who just so happened to be a Jedi.  I also met Gedi, a Jedi Master... he was a great help with my training.  Between the two of them, I got off to a pretty good start on my training. I went to Yavin IV to complete my Jedi training, and met someone very special to me... Mikale. The only one to ever truly touch my heart... to show me what love really is. Because of his love, I can now trust again... feel again. It's better than I ever hoped for! Sometimes it seems like a dream, but it's reality. And for once, reality is better than fantasy. Trust me--I know.

"Survival of the Fittest--part 1" --My personal history... the first part, at least.

Hyperspace Routes --Links to other Star Wars -related sites

The Haven --My home away from home... a place where you can go to be with fellow Jedi... to discuss Lore... or just to talk.

Coming soon....

Communications Database

Hyperspace Routes--the Outer Rim Territories

Purple Ribbon Campaign --Freedom for Star Wars fans everywhere!

Finally--it's here!

Multimedia Vault

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