Hello to you all' and welcome to my site! i'm oded and i'm 25 years old, i am a student to software enginiring, second year.
In this site you can take a glimpse to my world. you can find things that i find them intresting to show, and also you can read some of my pomes that i wrote. Enjoy

If you have some cool stuff to tell me about anything feel free to send me, and if you have some massages to tell me about this site please write in my Guestbook.


Music - Some of my favorite music, you can in this site to download some best videos, midi, see great lyrics and very soon there will new stuff like...

Movies & Tv - In this site you'll find sites of my favorite Movies and Tv series that I like, and even some scripts of movies.

Fantasy - You will find here some of the fantasy world that I like very much, great pictures of art and lot more.

Downloads - some wallpapers and winamp skins and more cool stuff to download.

Poems - Some great poems that I wrote.

Links - No need to explain.

Lovely Drew Barrymore

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