Tier-a - 12/09/98 08:17:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/5375/ My Email:misty_blue25@hotmail.com Favorite Star Trek Series: Watched it as a kid...*smiles*... Favorite Character: I used to like the original Captain...what's his name?...hehe... Interests, or Hobbies: Supernatural...painting & drawing...poetry...music...children, family, friends and new friends... Favorite Music: Any sort of music / songs that are melancholy and have meaning to the words therein... | Comments: Hiya me dear mate Jonny (Ralph)...Your doing a great job here on your page...my son Kodi is into StarTrek as is my eldest son...Read what our darlin' Sweets wrote in honour for you of your little daughter...and of course tears flowed...There's always a miracle around the corner...just takes time hon...and I know that can be slow at times...Lubs ya me friend...Tiers...{{{HUGSSSS}}}... |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
TheGent (Guy Wright) - 07/12/98 14:32:16 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/4410 My Email:guywright@nwoknet.net Favorite Star Trek Series: original and next generation Favorite Character: Scotty Interests, or Hobbies: computers and golf Favorite Music: Country-western | Comments: Great start on your page. Keep me up to date as you add more to it. Guy |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Supe007 - 06/16/98 12:02:03 My URL:http://members.aol.com/Supe007/. My Email:Supe007@Softhome.net Favorite Star Trek Series: ST:TNG Favorite Episode: Encounter At Farpoint Favorite Character: Data Interests, or Hobbies: God, Computers, Star Trek Favorite Music: Rock/Pop | Comments: You have a GREAT page...I love the Background music! And you have lots of cool little graphics everywhere! EVERY SINGLE episode in neat yearly list! I downloaded the ormal Time to star date converter... |
SwtCarress - 06/13/98 20:11:59 My Email:non ya | Comments: Just testing...here it is :-)
Paul-England - 06/01/98 14:42:04 My Email:PaulBoydell@Mcmail.com Favorite Star Trek Series: All of em' Favorite Character: Picard Interests, or Hobbies: Computers and Startrek Games Favorite Music: Various | Comments: Read the page about your daughter. It brought tears to my eyes and I wanted to ask questions but there was no-one around. It was nice to read it but I am also sorry I did for the feeling it has given me. Hope the pain eases with time. All the best Paul Boydell |
SwtCarress - 05/10/98 10:39:37 | Comments: Hey sweetie......just wanted you to know I sure am looking forward to your adding more stuff to your page..You have done a TERRIFIC job so far but mostly wanted you to know just how much you are missed online :-( much love to you and god bless! sweet! |
SassyLove - 04/29/98 11:07:42 My URL:http://comevisit.com/scat/ My Email:scat@sunwave.net Favorite Star Trek Series: all of them Favorite Character: spock Interests, or Hobbies: Art Favorite Music: 50"s Rock | Comments: Jonny Quest... you have done a beautiful job on your web site... I am very impressed.... and I miss ya there hun... I never get to chat with you and sweet anymore... *pout*... |
Lonely Rebel - 04/29/98 10:59:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/3755 My Email:crfarmer@fuse.net Favorite Star Trek Series: the next generation Favorite Character: Captain Picard Interests, or Hobbies: Singing Favorite Music: Country | Comments: Doing a great job Jonny Keep up the good work my friend and God Bless you and Keep you safe always Your friend Rebel |
Grimshaw Black - 04/21/98 17:07:20 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/4889/ My Email:grimshawblack@mindspring.com Favorite Star Trek Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation Favorite Episode: #64 The Offspring = Airdate: 25Mar1990 = Stardate: 43657.0 Favorite Character: Lt. Cmdr Nella Darren (Wendy Hughes) #145 Lessons = Airdate: 18Apr1993 = Stardate:46693.1 Interests, or Hobbies: Computer Games Favorite Music: Loreena McKennitt | Comments: Off to a great start... some suggestions... 1. search other sites for more GIFs... 2. sometimes less is better (use a Star Trek gif line once or twice but 5 times diminishes the effect... as well as the starfleet symbol for the Guestbook & also used on le t side). 3. Links are easy to find with the Search command while they expand your page. 4. Visit other Star Trek home pages... it'll give you more ideas and they'll probably come visit and sign your Guestbook if you do the same for them first... *Love the gold lettering on black on the Guestbook* ![]() |
roythetoy - 04/10/98 09:28:39 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/9007/ My Email:moneyman@netease.net Favorite Star Trek Series: the original "of corse Favorite Episode: n/a Favorite Character: spok Interests, or Hobbies: singing, visiting with my chat buddies Favorite Music: anything | Comments: Hey Johnny Q. Man this site is Sooooo Cool. You have outdone Yourself!!!!! Thanks For Getting It Started. |
SwtCarress My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6666 My Email:SwtCarress@aol.com or try Bluzman44@email.msn.com (it does work you know afterall I'm usuall on MSN--more than AOL--LOL) Favorite Star Trek Series: Original Series......I wanna go where no man has ever gone before!! :-) Favorite Episode: Trouble with Tribbles.yeah love em furry little critters..so cute altho' they're lil pests for kirk, smile! Favorite Character: Captain Kirk ! Why? Awhhh loves William Shatner of COURSE! LOL Interests, or Hobbies: Hum funny you should ask, geesh too many but for starters...FISHING & catching CRABS "grin" yeah you know, the edible type silly..and travelling...outdoors..beaches..the computer, LOL...various movies and COOKING Favorite Music: Whew..let it be known...Oldies, RocknRoll, Country, Blues and Jazz and easy music..cept' heavy metal!....music is GREAT but so's singing! :-) | Comments: Dear Jonny (Ralph)....tis about time this worked..this is my third attempt here LOL. I'm in a state of *Confusion* here...cant even remember what all I started to or had written prior so where do I begin when there's so much to be said bout you huh?LOL..L ave it to me and I'd write a novel but..but "grin" I'll try and restrain myself..no promises..it will be long but not as long as could be *W*...so with that note...thanks from the bottom of my heart for having been such a close and dear friend to me over he past two years. Seems like only yesterday but God knows we have been through so much good, bad and sad times together..but afterall is said and done like you said fair weathered friends we're not:-) You are a very special and unique individual much lik myself and others..but ours is living testimony that a "BEST" friend doesn't have to be of the same gender..but this goes beyond because you are my "BESTEST" |
SwtCarress | Comments: This is a tester.....this is my third attempt okay? Talk about my mind being boggled LOL! If this works I'll redo the final one, whew......hugs! |