Welcome to the USS Lightning, the first Runabout in the UFK. I am it's creator, Commander Ashley Clark. The Lightning is stationed at the USS Jaguar, the ship I live and work on. This Runabout can take you to any ship in the UFK. Just follow the links! This place has no real crew and it's pilots are crewmen from the Jaguar or anyone else you cares to hop in and fly. I suggest you try the JAVA chat we have here.

To the Chat!

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Science stations

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, the Star Trek Movies, and Federation are registered trademarks of Paramount. All images were found on the internet and are believed to be public domain images. If you think any of the images on this site have been scanned or taken illegaly please let me know so I can take them off ASAP!

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