Cydonia Page
(NASA Viking 1976-MGS 1998)
the face's story |
Courtesy of Enterprise Mission, NASA, JPL, M.
(213) 354-6000
Viking 1-61
P-17384 (35A72)
PHOTO CAPTION July 31, 1976
This picture is one of many taken in the northern latitudes of Mars by
the Viking 1 Orbiter in search of a landing site for Viking 2.
The picture shows eroded mesa-like landforms. The huge rock formation
in the center, which resembles a human head, is formed by shadows
giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth. The feature is 1.5
kilometers (one mile) across, with the sun angle at approximately
20 degrees. The speckled appearance of the image is due to bit errors,
emphasized by enlargement of the photo. The picture was taken on July
25 from a range of 1873 kilometers (1162 miles). Viking 2 will arrive
in Mars orbit next Saturday (August 7) with a landing scheduled for
early September.
Clearly, NASA was aware since the beginning of the existance of what they called "the head"! (frame 35a72)
É evidente che la NASA scoprė fin dall'inizio il
famoso frame 35a72: paradossalmente, quella che appariva come l'immagine di una faccia
venne chiamata "TESTA".

(parte del frame Viking NASA n° f035a72_raw.jpg,
anno 1976)

(parte del frame Viking NASA n° f070a13_raw.jpg,
anno 1976)
Questo frame fu scoperto nel 1980 dai grandi ricercatori Vincent Di Pietro e Gregor
Molenaar: da allora gli scettici non parlano pių di "trick of light and
shadow", bensė di erosione naturale.
This frame was discovered in 1980 by the great researchers, G. Molenaar and V. Di Pietro-no longer a "trick of lights and shadows"!

Questo č un esempio di elaborazione 3D della
faccia da parte del grande analista M. Carlotto.
Example of 3d elab. by M. Carlotto
The Face of Cydonia re-imaged by
MOC of Mars Global Surveyor: the great researcher Richard C. Hoagland adfirmed it now
looks like a "feline face"

Questo č il primo fotogramma Cydonia-MGS diffuso
dalla NASA il 6 aprile 1998 e pubblicizzato dai grandi media: la distorsione dello
"strip-frame" č evidente dal cratere in basso a sinistra che appare ovalizzato.
This is the first frame (Cydonia-MGS 98)spreaded by media: it is clearly distoted!!

Un'analisi comparata della MGS's face e della
Viking's face.
Confrontation between the two faces (1976-1998): years go by even for the Mars Sphinx!!!
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