Kalyandra's a Little of Everything Page
I am Kaly! Kaly I am! I like green eggs and ham! I am insane!


See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.

Pics of my rats

Lotr Secret Diaries

Hipperthanu Comics

Fatmouse! Ahh the unexplained errors of cloning..

Save Retired Greyhounds

Mario's Webspace

What's up with the pokeballs?

Let's talk about God!

Insane Test

Lord of the Rings thing someone made out of boredom

Always entertaining...http://www.engrish.com

Is this monkey..Hot or Not?

You must go to this site, it is the most hilarious site I have ever seen. I am so going to Hell for this (Check out the Lord of the Rings link)

Thor (Antrim)'s Homepage of Recalcitrancy! This is one of the best sites ever, you must go!

A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys: Come on girls, you know you love them!


Adding and Subtracting, you've got to see it to believe it

Animal Servey

Funny AOL thingy...

How to be a Successful Evil Overlord

RPG Cliches

Things to do with a microwave

Calvin & Hobbes vs Fight Club

Torment the Taliban

Derek's Big Website of Wal-Mart Purchase Receipts

Anti-Dolphin Organization

Normally this wouldn't bother me so much.. but you just have to go see for yourself

This just goes too far into detail for my taste


Lobster Magnet

The Inexplicable Object Page


Recycle Humanity Coalition

Invisible Jim Doll? Wha..?

A new take on the classic Romeo and Juliet. Very funny.

I'm not quite sure what to say about this one.. AYB has gone too far.

This just cannot be right..

This is too wrong for words.. you just have to see it to believe it.

My personal favorite..make sure you read it closely

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