Welcome to my page about Dr. Beverly Crusher and Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Hi and thanks for stopping by my page. Please take a minute to read about Starfleet's finest couple.

Don't know who I'm writing about? Shame on you.

Everyone knows that there is only one Couple that needs to be together and that is Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Beverly Crusher. See that wasn't was hard question.

Now, you ask *why* they need to be together. That's an easy one to answer, because the fans want them together. Not to mention the fact that they look really good together.

Some fans have even gotten together and formed an online group to further our cause, read about us in the BONC homepage link. Our story is too lengthy to go in to here.

Did I mention that I have see the Gates in person? No? Well, now I have. A group and friends and I saw her at Novacon97 in Tysons Corner, VA. She's more beautiful in person than on the television or the big screen. Definitely elegant and graceful, but her fans already knew that.

Check out some of the sites below and join in the fun of getting the Captain and Doctor together.

Links to other sites on the Web

BONC Homepage. <--- info on how to join our sandbox
Star Trek Story Archives
For those under 18 check out BONCjr.(link temp. out of order)
More ST:TNG Stories

Don't tell me you are leaving already!!! I thought we could chat a while. Tell me how you liked my page. Thanks

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