Update: Site Closed Down

If you have come here looking for the C&C Claudia Christian site I'm sorry to say the page has been taken offline permanently. This is not something that I have done lightly, however I no longer had the time to update it, and hadn't done so in the last twelve months or so, and because of this it had just become a stagnant shell of it's former self. In fact the only reason I'd left it up for so long is so that people would be able to take and download whatever they wanted and needed from my large archive of pictures and soundiles before I shut everything down once and for all, as I know often how hard it can be to find certain files, but now the time has come to shut up shop completely.

I'd just like to take this final opportunity to sincerely thank everyone that visited this site of the years and who made it so popular in it's time, it's you guys out there that made it all worthwhile and I really do thank you all for that, probably more than you'll ever know. When I first put the site up this was one of very few quality dedicated Claudia Christian sites, but there are now many quality sites on the web dedicated to Miss Christian, including her own Official Site, so I'm sure that they're more than capable of taking up any minor slack that this site's retirement may bring. That said I'd like to think the site will be missed a little by some of you out there, I hope it was worthy of being missed anyway.

Well thats about all I wanted to say I guess, thanks again to all who visited in the five years or so the website was online, and I wish you all well. Also if there is anything that any of you fans out there want or need from the site I still have all the original files saved offline, so just drop me a line at Severen666@aol.com and I'll try to help you out.

Thanks, and goodbye.
