Monday 4 January
Quote of the Week:
"You've been tried by twelve good men who have said you're guilty. Time will pass, and seasons will come and go. Spring, with it's waving green grass on every hill and every dale, then sultry Summer, with her shimmering grains on the horizon, and Fall, with her yellow harvest moon, and the hills turned brown and gold under the setting sun, and finally, Winter, with the land covered in snow. But you won't be here to seen any of it. Not by a damn sight. Because it's the order of this court that you be took to the nearest tree and hanged by the neck till you're dead, you lying, rustling son of a billy goat!"
-Judge Roy Bean
Well, the new year. They say that to survive is to win. Well then most of the people in the world are winners. Right?
It's almost time for our first year anniversary. A win for me, the hardworking person who bring all you fans out there the Great White North. All two or three of you.
I was discussing a story idea with my writing partner, Mike Shaffer, and so he sent me a draft of his version. Very good, if you know the story. I'm writing a version that will be able to stand alone. With luck, it will premier on our anniversary. Johnny Romano's Revenge is the title. I'm still working on Janette's story. (I want it to be really good). I find that I can better express myseld when talking (or writing) with another person. Debating. So, if there's anyone out there who wants to talk about absolutley anything (keep it clean) e-mail me. I'll sugest a topic: who is a hero these days? What is considered heroic? Also, I'll try to get a new layout here. It's starting to get old. And maybe I'll practice some mic skills and start doing a daily update in real audio format. Won't that be fun!
Thursday, Dec. 24.
Quote of the Week:
"You know they say money can't buy happiness. Give me 50 bucks and watch me smile" -Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
Some things I want to do:
I'm planning on updating the Toronto page. Pictures, new writing, etc.
I have a bit to say about heroes in our society.
I really don't know what else to say. My brother is back from sea. I'm glad for that.
Thursday, Dec. 10.
Quote of the Week:
"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." -Sir Winston Spencer Churchill
Well, what a time it's been the last few weeks.
The father of a good friend of mine died. He was out hunting
and had a heart attack. It's a shock when someone you take for
granted suddenly isn't there anymore. Then I turned 24. Some
happy birthday. Things took a turn for the better thanks to Mike and Laura. I really needed cheering up. Thanks!
Now, the page is going to get a little revision, with some minor changes and some new things.
Sunday, Nov. 8.
Quote of the Week:
"The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves." -Sophocles
Here we begin another week, and another set of challenges. A mighty pressure is built up inside me of my own creation. Today I let it go, for good or for evil. I do not know how the next few days will toll upon me, but it is something I must do. Perhaps one comforting thought is that I will get to try something I've been wanting to do for a while.
The cast page in Toronto After Dark has been updated! It now features most people who have appeared in the game, and a brief description of what they did. Eventually, for minor characters, there will be links to the stories that they appear in.
Sunday, November 1
Quote of the Week-
Tout passe, tout casse, tout lasse. (Everything passes, everything perishes, everything palls) -French proverb.
They say that a person has to sink to the very depths before they can rise again. Does that mean that people in the middle are doomed to wallow in mediocrity? Does it have to get worse before it gets better? Or can things change just because. Or if you work hard enough? A person can work themselves to death, and still not catch a break. And then they're dead.
A friend from work said he'd see me tomorrow. I tried to correct him. "Maybe you'll see me tomorrow." The thing is that I could go at any time. Any of us could. I should know. I've had several friends just die on me.
Sunday, October 25
Quote of the Week:
"You know that show of sportsmanship....the respect for each other, the enthusiasm they have....makes me sick!" -Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
The Last Rugby Report Of The Season: Marion Rhinos played at Canton Saturday, losing (again). It was a fun game, despite the referee. But it's all over now untill Feburuary. So, for all of you who are interested, you have 3 months to get ready!
I can't seem to find enough time to do everything I want to do. I have a lot of projects in mind. Some might hit the web page here soon (end of the year?). I have to start thinking about how I'm going to celebrate the 1st year anniversary of my page. Any suggestions?
Sunday, October 18
Quote of the week:
"When you call me that, smile!" -Owen Wister
Rugby Report: The Marion Black Rhinos lost against Eastern Suburbs, 50-something to 7. We had to borrow payers from the other team. They wouldn't give us enough players, and then refused to lower their numbers to match us. So, we played 3 men down, and I was injured. I tried participate in two scrummages, but my ribs wern't healed yet, and I was in a lot of pain. So, I moved out to a wing. I wasn't too happy. I don't know the position, and in my condition, I couldn't tackle. I was worthless, except as a small roadblock. I'm hoping I might be better for the last game against Canton this Saturday.
In other news, I have a new story I'm working on. I'll be posting the first chapter soon.
Sunday, October 11, 1998
Quote of the week-
"Be regular and orderly in your daily life so you can be violent and original in your work" -- Flaubert
Rugby Report: The Marion Black Rhinos lost to Akron, 40 something to 7. Yet another defeat. However, I'm not worrying about wether we win or lose anymore. I'm mainly concerned about my performance. And I've had enough. I'm sick of nearly breaking my neck each game. I'm tired of being overpowered in the front row. I'm tired of not having some experience. That's the biggest danger. Inexperienced players are dangerous players. To theselves and to others. I bruised some ribs because of these factors. A bad scrum, inexperienced players, and my weakness. That's what caused my injury. But I can't stop paying rugby. Even with the possibility of injury. So I have to get stronger.
Sunday, October 4, 1998
First, in rugby news, the Marion Black Rhinos lost to Canton, 52-3. We played in 50-degree weather with rain throughout the game. Despite the loss, I feel good about that game. Like I redeemed myself for my poor performance last week. The entire team picked up from last week, and we played well. Our enemy was inexperience. Throughout the season, we've had an average of 5 people at each practice. Each game, we have to train about five new guys, rookies. We have about 20 minutes to get everyone together and go over the plays. If only we had more people at practice, more people committed to playing, we could be a contender. We go against Akron again next week. I'm looking forward to the chance to get some revenge for our loss last week.
As for other things, I got off to a bad start at the beginning of the week, and didn't get over it until Thursday. Things picked up for the weekend, thank goodness.
Monday, Sept 29, 1998
1- I'm back from Canada. I've started school. Things were looking up. And now I'm disgusted. You want to know why? Here's The List: 1- Bill Clinton. 2- My performance in Saturday's Rugby game against Akron, and 3- I'm upset with certain storylines I'm following.
What I think about these things: 1- He should go 2- A 102 to 0 defeat is enought to demoralize anyone. And I'd just like first to say that I have a lot of respect for Akron. They have a great team. They earned it. They had one guy who was playing with a prothestic leg. My hat's off to them. But that game was one of my worse. Maybe I couldn't handle the responsibility of handling the scrum. Maybe I was having an off day. Maybe the heat got to me. But those problems are corrected by training and practice and conditioning. The things I haven't been doing too well. Realizing that I could have broken my neck also didn't help my mood about the game. I'm disapointed now that I decided to get out of the game and take a substution. I should have stayed in. 3- This bit might be minor to other people, but it involves a character who was a hero of mine. I'll say "was" conditionally. Maybe I'll explain more later, if anyone's interested.
Created: 10/4/98 Updated: 12/10/98