Teun Oosterveen - 12/18/00 12:08:50
My Email:teunoosterveen@hotmail.com
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10,5
What's your sites about???: Zijn er ook meer codes
How could I better this site???: en als , welke dan?
How did you learn about my site???: Zoeken naar Gazz. Deluxe
Ik heb de hele versie van Gazz.Deluxe ik zit nu al aan de 40.000.000 de eerste plek ik hoop dat er codes zijn . Je kunt CTRL-P voor meer passagiers en CTRL-V voor lage verzekering en CTRL-F voor meer brandstof en CTRL-B voor een product op de markt ik hoop dat er nog meer zijn Groeten Teun Oosterveen
Lauri Bass - 10/12/00 03:08:43
My URL:http://my netscape.net
My Email:laurixxxx@netscape.net
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10X10
What's your sites about???: I don't have one.
How could I better this site???: I'm not the exspert
How did you learn about my site???: looking for gaz.deluxe
Thanks for the game I love it I just ordered the
full version.
Lauri Bass - 10/12/00 03:08:24
My URL:http://my netscape.net
My Email:laurixxxx@netscape.net
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10X10
What's your sites about???: I don't have one.
How could I better this site???: I'm not the exspert
How did you learn about my site???: looking for gaz.deluxe
Thanks for the game I love it I just ordered the
full version.
Lauri Bass - 10/12/00 02:57:24
My URL:http://my netscape.net
My Email:laurixxxx@netscape.net
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10X10
What's your sites about???: I don't have one.
How could I better this site???: I'm not the exspert
How did you learn about my site???: looking for gaz.deluxe
Thanks for the game I love it I just ordered the
full versgon.
Lauri Bass - 10/12/00 02:57:14
My URL:http://my netscape.net
My Email:laurixxxx@netscape.net
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10X10
What's your sites about???: I don't have one.
How could I better this site???: I'm not the exspert
How did you learn about my site???: looking for gaz.deluxe
Thanks for the game I love it I just ordered the
full versgon.
tammy - 09/20/00 02:44:25
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10
How could I better this site???: don't! it;s great
How did you learn about my site???: a friend
i love this game and everything else it's really cool and great way for children to learn how to use money correctly in saving and paying debts well any way it's the best game i've ever played and i love it so keep makin' more.
ZeColmeia - 09/02/00 08:04:03
My Email:porkancheese@yahoo.com
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): n/a
Can someone please send me the setup.exe file? mine is corrupted (and one once said CDs would never have bad files as floppies did)
Harvey - 07/23/00 10:05:44
My Email:what_the@as-if.com
What's your sites about???: n/a
How could I better this site???: full download
How did you learn about my site???: i got the demo on a cd
Where can i get the full game?
Lily - 06/22/00 16:59:29
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 10
How did you learn about my site???: I played this game at school
i played this game at school and it is sooooooooooo fun!!!!! So i decied 2 go to it and download the game.
Xorack - 05/29/00 19:19:12
My Email:xorack_al_vandahr@hotmail.com
How do you rate my site??? (1-10): 2.4
What's your sites about???: Absolutely everything.
How could I better this site???: Add porn? Give away money?
How did you learn about my site???: Randomly picked from Ask Jeeves.
The teachers won't hold out much longer purple monkey dishwasher.
Pete Davis - 02/23/00 00:16:41
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dirtster/donkosco.htm
My Email:donkoscope@aol.com
What's your sites about???: Truth, justice, Mohammed al Fayed, and the awsome power of the political donkey.
How could I better this site???: Less Wildebeest
How did you learn about my site???: Via The Rumbles
Crazy scenes, man. Love the space boot.
sheepskate - 02/18/00 08:18:46
My URL:/SoHo/Atrium/1711/index.html
My Email:sheepskate@geocities.com
Hi...stopping by to do my own review... :-))
cool site!
Norbert Schellhardt - 03/05/99 18:37:58
My URL:http://Geocities.com/Hollywood/Picture/8739
My Email:nschellhardt@vossnet.de
Very nice page
10/16/98 08:33:46
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Cindy - 09/24/98 06:22:50 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!