This station is divided into various sections. Journey to alternate universes using transports to Starbase 24 (Star Trek), Rupmul Alauk (Star Wars), and Outpost 50490 (Babylon 5). Make great bargains at Traders Hall for various CCG trading cards available. Have a laugh at the Jokes Concave. Take a transport from the Main Shuttlebay to other locations of varying interests. All these activities are available with more sections to be opened in due time. Enjoy your time here and please sign the guestbook on your way out.

Note that this station is under constant renovation.
BEWARE of falling girders!

Drop by regularly for latest updates.

Key Events:

21 January 2004
Heaps of stuff for SALE, including collectible figures, books, games, CDs and more at bargain prices! Check out our Sales Lists in the Traders Hall.

12 January 2002
Poll results for "Who would have been the best wife for Worf?": 18% for K’ehleyr, 13% for Deanna Troi, 36% Jadzia Dax, 4% Ezri Dax (at least had 1 good night together), 16% B’Elanna Torres, 13% Lursa & B’Etor (yes, both of them together). Bad luck Jadzia got zapped by Dukat, and coming second is K'ehleyr who also will not be making another appearance; seems rather dangerous to be married to Worf. Deanna and B'Elanna have tied the knot with others, and the 2 Klingons with large assets have already been blown to bits by Worf's photon torpedo. Looks like our fav Klingon is just out of women in the Galaxy!

6 January 2002
Still trading for Star Trek CCG Holodeck Adventures & The Borg cards with many cards offered. Various cards also required for Star Wars CCG Theed Palace & Coruscant and Young Jedi CCG cards .

19 February 2000
Poll results for "who would be the last Jedi standing in an all-out Jedi brawl?": 12% for Darth Vader, 20% for Darth Maul, 5% for Emperor Palpatine, 14% for Luke Skywalker (Episode 6), 18% for Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode 1), and 31% for Yoda! Not bad for a muppet with a just a walking stick; perhaps he just levitates everyone else into space!

1st November 1999
Rewritten the custom made CCG cards for Star Trek Voyager in Starbase 24 CCG section. Place your bets on how close they will be to the actual cards when the Voyager expansion releases.

17th August 1999
Previous poll results for the 'best' starship Captain: 14% for James T. Kirk, 35% for Jean-Luc Picard , 26% for Benjamin Sisko, 13% for Kathryn Janeway, 3% for Spock, and 9% for William T. Riker. Well, guess we can conclude - 'BALD IS BEAUTIFUL'.

30th September 1998
Previous poll results for the 'greatest' leader: 24% for Picard of The Next Generation, 38% for Sisko of Deep Space Nine, 12% for Janeway of Voyager, 12% for Kirk of The Original Series, 9% for Sheridan of Babylon 5, 9% for Princess Leia of Star Wars. Benjamin Sisko is the GREATEST leader - well, he can really shout better than the others...

8th August 1998
Previous poll results for 'coolest' character: 12% for J of MIB, 9% for Mulder of X-Files, 21% for 7 of 9 of Voyager, 37% for Data of TNG, 6% for Ripley of Aliens Resurrection, 15% for Corben Dallas of Fifth Element. Data is THE coolest - although we shouldn't really expect otherwise, with this site mainly linked to Star Trek related sites. However, I think these results were somewhat rigged...

Places to visit:

Starbase 24

Travel to the world of Star Trek for Voyager episode reviews, CCG discussions, and various articles of interest.

Rupmul Alauk

Embark to other worlds of Star Wars from this little known world in the New Republic.
*** Destination not currently available yet; charting hyperspace route ***

Outpost 50490

Visit Babylon 5 and worlds of the Minbari, Centauri, and Narns from this outpost in the Vega system. *** Destination not currently available yet; charting hyperspace route ***

Reviews Centre

Wondering which movies and television series are worth watching? Find out here.

Jokes Concave

Need a good laugh??? Check out the jokes here.

Traders Hall

Looking for a particular card? Examine the trading card lists here and get a great bargain.

Main Shuttlebay

Take a transport shuttle to different locations, exploring both the familiar and unfamiliar.

Station Commander's Office

Visit the office of Station Commander Richard.

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Counter visitors since 1st November 2001.

Parts of this website was last updated on 21 January 2004

Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Wildstorms, Overpower and all associated names and images in this website are copyright to their respective owners.

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