Welcome, Rogue . Your mission is to travel to several locations and gather information, images, and participate in whatever battles should come up. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from Rogue Squadron. Your first assignment is to travel to Tatooine and get information on local geography, species, etc. The Millennium Falcon will accompany you on several of your missions. Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

Hey, this site has an awards section now! I just won another award! Go check it out! You can win my award now too!

Answer this now or I will hire a bounty hunter to go after you-disintegrations permitted!
 E-mail me if you have any suggestions for questions.
Which do you like better: The original Trilogy, Episode I, or do you love them all like me?
Is up to you... 
Like the poster says: Three reasons why they build movie theaters
Send me a holomessage!
mail me at xwinggirl@mailcity.com
And remember, the Force will be with you, always
Sign my guestbook! To sign it, click here! I want to know how it's going in your part of the galaxy.

The Jedi Council Banner Exchange

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This Star Wars Universe Web Ring site is owned by xwinggirl

Star wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are all property of Lucasfilm/Arts LTD. The sole purpose of this site is for the enjoyment of all you Star Wars fans out there. It is not meant for commercial use.  
I have an award to give out now! Apply now to win! Also, you can now link to my site using my nifty banner! Click here!
To view this site with frames, click here
A special thanks goes out to grmreapr (a.k.a. my brother) who keeps up the frames version of my site.

UPDATE: Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still here! School and work have been keeping me busy! NOTE: The guestbook is now fixed! So go sign it!!
This site was last messed with on November 8, 2000
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