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Full Thrust, the tactical starship combat rules. Simple, fast-play rules that can be used with any size of starfleet from any background. The basic rules of play can be learned in just a few minutes. No referring to charts or tables required during play. To find out more about Full Thrust visit the Unofficial Full Thrust WWW Page and the other related sites on the Full Thrust Network webring.

The purpose of this page is to act as a jump point and locus, for all the computer resources available for Full Thrust. You have to own the Full Thrust rule book, to be able to make use of the materials available at this site.

Site conventions

Items are marked by the edition of Full Thrust to which they apply

Full Thrust first edition
Full Thrust second edition

File formats are given between parentheses (XLS/DOC)

Credits are by name in italic -A Person

Links to external sites are in italics, links to local files are in plain text


Contact the computer core by email:

To minimise spambots please do not reference or use this email address as plain text on any web page or usenet posting. Use the image above.

Please let the computer core know of any new resources that you have created or found but are not listed. Please let the computer core know of any errors or broken links.


Exchange Formats

The purpose of these is to allow the exchange of Full Thrust game data in a standard way. By using a standard format, various programs and utilities can operate on the same data files. This avoids a lots of otherwise tedious editing. A whole suit of tools for PBEM games are planned using these formats. Don't reinvent the wheel use the standard. To discuss the standard exchange formats join the discussion group or send .feedback

Ground Zero Format GZF

The GZF format, is designed for the general exchange of any Ground Zero Game in ASCII form. Its based on the format used in email and web pages (RFC822).

FT2 Profile

This is a profile written using GZF for Full Thrust Second Edition.

FB1 Profile

This is a profile written using GZF for Fleet Book Volume 1.

Play Aids


ftmap creates game maps in GIF format. This is useful for PBEM games or for running Full Thrust on the computer. The program is very flexible and allows you to use any GIF image for your ships and background. It runs on Microsoft Windows 95/NT and Unix, and any other computer with an ANSI C compiler. The manual describes what it can do and how to do it.


ftdeck is a set of damage threshold cards, that speeds up the resolution of threshold rolls. They can be used where speed of play is essential, such as convention games. The cards are generated by a program that is available for those who may wish to generate their own decks. The manual describes how to use the threshold cards.


Thrust is a Windows 95 tool for Full Thrust and Dirtside II. It does various game management tasks such as rolling dice and chit drawing -John L Izbrand


Quick Reference Charts

A useful aid for looking up a systems die rolls and ranges. If you use a particular system or rule regularly you won't need them, but they are great for beginners.

Turn Gauges

The turn gauge allows ship movement without the restrictions of hex based games.

Ship Status Displays SSD

The SSD is the picture of the ship with the system icons on it. Various bitmaps and drawing program templates are available.

Ship Counters

These are available as image files which must be printed, cut out and then laminated with clear plastic to make them durable. They can also be used with ftmap to produce virtual game maps.

Ship Design

Various tools which use the ship construction rules to create ship designs.

Graphics and Fonts

Various graphics and fonts exists to allow you to create and develop your own Full Thrust play materials and on-line resources.



Fleet Emblems

Full Thrust Webring Banners

Web Page Buttons

Web Page Logos

Discussion Group

There is an email discussion group for Full Thrust, computer related issues. For example, how to design computer aided PBEM tools or whether we should use RFC822 for defining the Ground Zero Format. If you enjoy this sort of thing, then this is the list for you. It operates via an email list server hosted by the very nice -Matthew Seidl

How to subscribe

Send an email to:


The message should just contain the single line

subscribe ftgzg-computer

There is a digest form of the list that gathers up all the messages and mails them to you in one go. To join the digest list send the single line

subscribe ftgzg-computer-digest

Mailing List Commands

The mailing list understands several useful commands. In the description below items contained in []'s are optional <list> is ftgzg-computer[-digest]. When providing the item, do not include the []'s around it. It understands the following commands:

subscribe <list> [<address>]
subscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) to the named <list>

unsubscribe <list> [<address>]
unsubscribe yourself (or <address> if specified) from the named <list>

get <list> <filename>
get a file related to <list>

index <list>
return an index of files you can "get" for <list>

which [<address>]
find out which lists you (or <address> if specified) are on

who <list>
find out who is on the named <list>

info <list>
retrieve the general introductory information for the named <list>

show the lists served by this Majordomo server

retrieve this message

stop processing commands (useful if your mailer adds a signature)

Commands should be sent in the body of an email message to:


Commands in the "Subject:" line not processed. If you have any questions or problems, please contact:


How to unsubscribe

Send an email to:


The message should just contain the single line containing the list you wish to unsubscribe from

unsubscribe ftgzg-computer

unsubscribe ftgzg-computer-digest

All works copyright their respective authors

Full Thrust, More Thrust, Fleet Book Volume I - Copyright Ground Zero Games and Jon M Tuffley 2000