Experiments In and Thoughts On Metaphysics

Hi! My name is, say, Saffron, and I am a 22-year old guy living in New Delhi, India. This is the first webpage I have ever developed and so it is prone to being a little (or a lot!) tacky. Please bear with me.

     This page is dedicated to metaphysics, something that has fascinated me since childhood. As long as I can remember, I wanted to be different from the common person my age. I daydreamed about how wonderful it could be if I could do something that none other could - I would then be a superhero. While the superhero stuff fell off in time, the desire to be extraordinary remained. Then, two and a half years ago, I somehow came across some interesting literature on the mystical and the supernatural, and once I began reading, my appetite for such things only grew. Since that time, I have delved into it with various degrees of enthusiasm and have met with some success.

     I have divided this site into two sections. One deals with me, basically a brief autobiography outlining my childhood, school experiences, and the first 18 months of my college life. Where that ends is where my forays into metaphysics began. The "personal" section of this website then breaks into a detailed essay on my experiences, beliefs, spiritual journey and memories/comments about what I have been through. It is, therefore, a detailed exposition of my life. If you are the kind of person who is on a journey of growing spiritual growth, it should interest you. Going hrough it will be like experiencing another's life up-close, someone who is very much like you, yet different. 

     The other section is a serious guide to metaphysics, and deals with things such as: Our Real Spiritual Identity - Who Are We Really?, Auras, Energy Work & Medicine, Out-of-Body-Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Life After Death, God, Creation, Aliens and UFOs, History of The Earth, Mind Control, Religion, Spirituality, The Purpose of Life, Philosophy - not neccessarily in that order. You get the idea. My aim is to make this the most comprehensive website of its kind on the web.

     To make this site as complete as I want to, I will also include a general search engine from GoTo.com, and a special search engine from Barnes & Noble, so that those interested may find more to read on the subjects. Needless to say, these will also help me earn money.

    This is all that I have prepared so far. I will be working on the site at my home, and will upload it when there is something more to present.Thanks for visiting my site. Do keep checking. Bye!