Welcome to Station 2246. This site has been created to display unofficial 'house' rules for the wargame Warhammer 40,000. If you are not familiar with this game, you can find more information in the Editorial or at the site of the company who created them, Games Workshop. This site is hosted free of charge by Geocities.
Find Station 2246 again by going to where you can access the 40K webring.
The Missions section lists new missions for Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition for you to use in your games of 40K. Most use the standard organisation chart, but some provide more interesting missions including play for 3+ sides.
The Miscelaneous section provides additional ideas and rules for you to incorporate into your games.
These links should help you find other sites of similar or related content.
Station 2246 and related pages are not an official production of Games Workshop, Ltd., nor are they endorsed or licensed by Games Workshop, Ltd. Warhammer 40,000®, Warhammer®, Space Hulk® and Epic® are registered trademarks of Games Workshop, Ltd. Necromunda(tm) is a trademark of Games Workshop, Ltd. These words and phrases are used without permission. No challenge is intended to the status of these or any other trademarks of Games Workshop, Ltd. Use of these words without the appropriate symbols should not be construed as a challenge to such status. For more information on GW copyrights, contact Phil Gallagher ( of Games Workshop, England.