Dragon Links
Wyvern Keep-This site has some very nice pictures, as well as some links to other Dragon Pages
Castle Wynd-"Welcome to where the dragons come to play. This is a place where your imaginationis the limit and everywhere you look there is dragon to guide you..."
There Be Dragons Here!-This site is beautiful. I highly reccomend you visit it!
The Dragon's Perch-Wonderful info on Dragons! Also has some great legends you should read!
The Realm of the Dragons-This page is packed with information on dragons. This page is definetly worth your time.
When the world was fresh and young,
We were woven into legends,
Tales wer told and songs were sung,
We were treated with obeisance,
We were honored, we were feared,
Then one day they stopped believing-
On that day we disappeared.
Now they say our time is over,
Now they say we lived our last,
Now we're treated with derision
Where we once ruled unsurpassed.
We must make them remember,
In some way we must reveal
That our spirit lives forever-
We are dragons! We are real!
Written by Jack Prelutskyy
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