Standard disclaimer: ST belongs to Paramount, "Green Eggs and Ham" to Dr. Seuss. The gutter belongs to me.

If a BonC-y Dr. Seuss wrote Beverly's answer to "Perhaps we should not be afraid..."

Doc Takes Stock

Jean-Luc Picard! Jean-Luc Picard! Do I want Jean-Luc Picard?

Why is this so very hard?

I do not want Jean-Luc Picard. This should not be so very hard.

Did I want him way back when?

I did not want him way back when.
I do not want him now and then.
I do not want Jean-Luc Picard.
This should not be so very hard.

Would I want him in his ready room? Would I want him for my groom?

I would not want him in his ready room.
I would not want him for my groom.
I did not want him way back way.
I do not want him now and then.
I do not want Jean-Luc Picard.
This should not be so very hard.

Would I want him on the holodeck? Would I want him to kiss my neck?

Not on the 'deck. Stay off my neck.
Not in his ready room. Not for my groom.
I did not want him way back when.
I do not want him now and then.
I do not want Jean-Luc Picard.
This should not be so very hard.

Would I? Could I? In Ten-Forward? Oh me! Oh my! That would be untoward.

I would not, could not, in Ten-Forward.

Might I want him? Might that be? Might I want him in medlab three?

I would not, could not in medlab three. Why won't he just let me be?

I do not want him on the holodeck.
I do not want him to kiss my neck.
I do not want him in his ready room, I do not want him for my groom.
I did not want him way back when.
I do not want him now and then.
I do not want Jean-Luc Picard.
This should not be so very hard.

The bridge? The bridge! The bridge? The bridge! Could I, would I, on the bridge?

Not on the bridge! Not in lab three!
Not in Ten-Forward! Just let me be!
I would not, could not, on the 'deck. I would not let him kiss my neck.
I would not love him in his ready room. I would not want him for my groom.
I did not love him way back when. I do not want him now and then.
I do not love Jean-Luc Picard. There. This will not be so very hard.

Come! In his quarters? Here in his quarters! Would I, could I, in his quarters?

I would not, could not, in his quarters.

In the arboretum, amongst the foliage?

Not in the arboretum's foliage. Not in his quarters.
Not on the bridge. Not in Ten-Forward.
Not in lab three. I do not want him, no, not me.
Not in his ready room. Not on the 'deck.
Not for my groom. Stay off my neck.
I did not love him way back when. I do not want him now and then!

Do I want him now and then?

Might I have loved him way back when?

What about if he asked me to dance?

He would not, could not ask me to dance.

What if he wore his naval pants?

I do not want him in those pants. I would refuse him for a dance.
I would not love him in the foliage. I would not love him on the bridge.
Not in his quarters! Not in lab three! Not in Ten-Forward! Just let me be!
I do not want him on the holodeck. I do not want him to kiss my neck.
I do not want him for my groom. I do not want him in his ready room.
I did not want him way back when. I do not want him now and then.

I do not want Jean-Luc Picard!

This really should not be that hard.

Hands off my knee! I don't need sex.
Our history Is too complex.
Our history is too complex for sex.

You're the sleuth. If I assent, can you promise me we won't repent?

The truth? I do want Jean-Luc Picard!
His body it's so very hard....
I'd like go to bed and dance. I'd like to strip him of his pants.

I will love him in the foliage. And in his quarters. And on the bridge.
And in Ten-Forward. And in lab three.
This feels so good, so good to me!

So I will tease him on the holodeck.
So I will kiss him on his neck.
So I will love him in his ready room.
So I will take him for my groom.
Yes, I wanted him way back when.
Come! I want him again!

I do so want Jean-Luc Picard!
Oh, me! Oh, my! Again he's hard!


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