Tall Tales

I've been working on my fan fic,
All the live long day.
I've been working on my fan fic,
Just to pass the time away.
Can't you hear the crew members screaming,
Something in the script has gone wrong!
And all us fans are wishing,
That this could really go on!
This is what I put!
This is what I put!
This is what I put in my story!
This is what I put!
This is what I put!
This is what I put, come see!
To the tune of "I've been working on the railroad!"
By 'Lanna & Goldenbird, copyright 1998

Yes, this is what we put. Have fun!!!

'Lanna's Fanfic


Together-a P/T story set either in an alternate universe or sometime in Voyager's future. A weird phoenomenon links members of the crew together mentally.

Thoughts-Q sends the crew of the Enterprise-E, as well as Worf and Jadzia Dax, to Voyager for a little visit. Picard and Seven discover they have a mental link, and together they help regain the ship from an alien takeover, with a little help from Q.


The Right Place-The first story featuring Val. An unstable wormhole sends a 16-year-old half-Vulcan half-Klingon into the Delta Quadrant. Voyager finds her, and she ends up becoming a member of the crew.

The next story in this series..."A Day in the Life of Val"...coming soon!


MADly in Love With You-Picard and a young nurse named Madeline Lawrence get separated from an away team while on a bizarre planet, and end up falling in love! ('Lanna says this could become a series...)

Goldenbird's Fanfic



Prosec-Q-tion-a young Q comes aboard the ship, and in turn for a safe haven for a few weeks, offers Kathryn the chance of a lifetime...to go home for 24 hours! But when she is brought back early, someone comes back with her...Kristine!

Sister 2 Sister-Kristine is just getting used to the ship, and B'Elanna is giving her a tour when an unexpected vistor shows up...and Kristine knows her! (this story, although not all that good, is CRUCIAL to the Kristine Khronicles. it reveals her past, and stuff from here will be talked about A LOT in later stories.)

Next in this series..."Tetris, Love, and Peace Roses"...coming soon!


Ode to Spot...or Maybe Not!!!-a strange tale (tail?:) from the point of view of Data's cat, Spot!


Remember Her Smile-a sad tale taking place right after the death of Jadzia Dax.

Assorted Poems & Parodies

Crazy Like You- by Spotty. Parody of "Pieces of You" by Jewel.

Come Warp Away- by 'Lanna. Parody of "Come Sail Away".

Trekkie Girl- by Spotty. Parody of "Barbie Girl" by Aqua.

Star Trek's in Your Face!- by Spotty. A Poem.

Obsession- by Goldenbird. A Poem.

Earl Grey- by Goldenbird. A Poem about my TV channel taking away Star Trek.

Composure- A J/C Poem by Goldenbird (aka Celestia. They're the same person). Kathryn rationalizes not having a relationship with Chakotay by listing....her hairstyles?! The kind of wackiness that only happens at 2am.

'Lanna's Voyager Crew Member Poems





Miscellaneous (yet still really, really good!) Non-Trek Stories

The Observer By Celestia- a warped story that came as a result of a day dream (or two!) A teenage girl finally sticks up for her rights as someone else looks on...

The Dolphinian By Celestia- so you've heard of dolphins, and you've heard of werewolves....but what about a were-dolphin? :)

The Tigress By Celestia- a short little shape-changing tale where "the freak strikes back." :)

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