The Crafty Trekker's Homepage!

Hello! Welcome to The Crafty Trekker's Homepage! This is where you learn to make all sorts of funky Star Trek stuff. So far we have lessons for tribbles and Klingon bracelets. These items can be made by anybody, and with stuff you've got lying around! Just got the pictures up, aren't they pretty! :) Come on, let's create!!!
-Spot, Goldenbird's tribble
Tribbles idea by: Goldenbird

Thread (any color)
Fake Fur (any color, any length)
Cotton stuffing
1. Cut 2 circles out of the fake fur. Make sure they match up.
2. Match the two circles, furry face to furry face.
3. Thread your needle if you're like me, this may cause you a great deal of frustration. Just don't break anything valuable. Afterwards, tie a knot at the end of your thread. (a BIG knot). Pull it through both circles and sew. Make sure to leave a small hole.
4. Turn you tribble rightside out. Stuff him/her. (WITH STUFFING, NOT FOOD!!!)
5. Sew the hole closed.
Congrats! You now have a homemade, low matienance pet. It doesn't multiply, it doesn't coo, but it's really, really cute! You don't have to feed it Tribble Kibble, and you don't have to clean up after it. It's easier to take care of than a Tamogotchi! It's good to groom him/her, though, otherwise their fur may become matted. Have fun with your newfound friend, and don't forget to name him/her!!!
Now that you have a tribble, you should learn how to take proper care of it. Read this.
Klingon Bracelets/Sashes idea by: 'Lanna

Pop tabs (about 18)
Black fabric (3 cm wide)
Black thread
Some kind of clasp
1. Wrap the fabric around your wrist to measure, making sure to leave an extra 2cm or so. Cut it there.
2. Thread the needle as described in step 3 in the tribble instructions.
3. Sew the pop tabs onto the fabric. This will cause many people to become frustrated. As I said before, just make sure not to break anything valuable. Also, make sure the pop tabs are secure. You don't want them to fall off.
4. Sew the clasp on. The method will be different, depending on the type of clasp you have.
Q'apla! You now have an honorable Klingon bracelet that would make Kahless disembowel you in envy! You may want to try to position the pop tabs in different patterns, or even try making a sash. This would just be a much larger variation.

[Weird Stuff] [Tall Tales]