Goldenbird's Trek so much more than Star Trek!!!

Trekkers have visited this site since 9802.20

Learn how to make cool Star Trek Stuff. Lessons available so far: Klingon Bracelets/Sashes, and Tribbles.
Updated!!! 9903.18

Fanfic, poems, and parodies. There are some non-Trek stories too. Come and see what people who have no life do in their spare time. :)
Updated!!! 9903.18

Learn what a nut is, how to be one, and read a whole lotta weird stuff!!!
Updated!!! 9903.18

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Sev Trek Header
Sev Trek- Cartoon Spoofs of Star Trek. Copyright 1997 by John Cook.

Star Trek and all related stuff belongs to the Almighty God Paramount, but I bet you already knew that. Actually, all the stuff that's here is MINE!!! I'm only borrowing their characters and such. :)