04/01/2002: You'd think april fools day would not be the best day to get around to doing a revamp on my web-site?!? Well, I've been very busy since last year about this time, I moved three times, got married, and have gone through three different jobs. What a way to go huh? Well over the next month I will be adding in the ghosts, blizters, elementals, and natural, as well, as adding in the new pictures which were credted for each stero-typical character should be on male, one female. Also as stated on the main page i will be hoefully over the next two months updateing MISC INC. as well as the rtest of the page.
04/01/2001: Updated my web-page. The very anticipated Stalkers, Techies, Changelings, and Beasty Boyz have been added. Will add on the Ghosts, Blitzers, Elementals, and naturals hopefully by the end of the week.
01/22/2001: It's the "new" new millenium and I've actually neglected my web-page for quite some time. I'm going to try to buckle down and actually do the last of the updates for Misc. Inc. some time before March, and I'm also going to be adding onto the site, with new powers and new campaigns for Heros Unlimited, Rifts, and even Phase World. Also you might enjoy taking a look at the Alien section to look at the Furble race.
03/28/2000: It's the new millenium, and i'm attempting to revamp the entire site. Due to a few sets back with computers over the past five months I've had an extremely hard time. I am planning on doing the updates that have been waiting for so long. Like the rest of the neo-terrans. I'm also going to be adding pictures on my page for the various items that I have listed on here, some of which include the various alien races I added on the last time I updated my page. I'm also pleased to annouce that I actually have three players for my PBEM, and I'm looking for a few more.
10/17/1999 : I've realized that i've neglected my site majorly over the last year and have begun a revamp of it. Cheers! over the next few weeks there will be some major changes, my first changes are where I've added some races of aliens which I've had for a long time, and have just now had a chance to put them up. Well, i hope ya'll will write me and let me know of what you all think.
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