After much consternation, I've decided to alter my web-page. Welcome, to the new role-playing section of my Web-page. This section will be my link to the other RPG sections of my page.
Currently this page only houses my links to Misc. Inc. But soon it will also be housing the rest of my links.
These soon to be active links will span the entire "Palladium Megaverse (tm)".
Phase World.
Heros Unlimited.
Beyond The Supernatural.
Palladium Fantasy.
Worm Wood.
Mechanoid Space.
Ninjas & Superspies.
Mystic China.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Mutants in Orbit.
AND ALL THE REST. . . . . . . . .
About the Mechanoid Space. . . . . I'm willing to pay anyone, who has an original Mechanoid Space RPG guide, or one of it's source books (we are not talking the Rifts Sourcebooks #2: "THe Mechanoid Invasion"), atleast 100 dollars if they have, and are willing to part with the RPG guide.
Links to other sites on the Web
Any comments, question, etc. Just E-mail me at:
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