The Mercanary Factor
This PBEM hasn't started yet, as of there being no-one yet currently interested in it. I'm currently looking for anyone interested in playing. Characters will be approved as they are submitted.
BUT. . . . .
All submissions must be of First Level to Second Level Characters.
All R.C.C., O.C.C., and P.C.C. are allowed from any of the Palladium Books, including the Rifters, but on a as come basis.
For Mutant humans. I'm allowing mutant powers to be used from any of the books (Rifters included), and those found on the internet, as long as the powers are fully described, or I have a copy of the power on hand.
The Characters will need to have a background written up to go with their character.
The Game year will be 100 P.A. So please let your backgrounds concur.
Any Questions, Please E-mail me at: xianlonestar@hotmail.com
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