Xian Lone Star's Home Page

4 million years of experience. . . .

Welcome to the official Xian Lone Star web-page.

This web page will be my tribute to the imagination of the designers of one of the best role-playing games around "RIFTS". The designers at Palladium Books tm. created an incredible multi-verse. from "TMNT", to "Heros Unlimited", to "Rifts". These creations are great and are the source of some of my own ideas.

I know if there is anyone who still visits this page that they've not seen any updates in a while. Unfortunately for me I've been in the process of moving several times in the past year along with the heavy business of getting married. Finally i've settled down again, and should hopefully not have any more disturbances in my calander for a while. I plan to begin finishing uploading my work on Ultarian nebula, and the Crystalians, Ultarian Merchants, also the ShadowBirds, the Centurains, and the STARGAZERS Cosmo-knight Force. Also in the next three months i will be uploading my MISC INC. adventures, along with finally bringing in the stats for Shaun Jones (aka Matrix), along with several of the other key figures like his son Timothy jones (aka Time-Flux). For those interested I'm also considering adding in my palladium fanstay Campaign notes for those interested in Ideas for new games. If any one is intersted in having me update certain pages first, please email me at xianlonestar@hotmail.com so I know what's wanted first and foremost. Thanks!

To view what's new check out my updates page

This site will eventually house these attributes:

  • MISC. Inc. a pre-Rifts corporation known for getting the job, what ever it is, done.
  • Misc Inc.'s future in the realm of Rifts.
  • A full source of New R.C.C. for rift's from MISC. Inc.
  • This page will also contain my "Arkansas Knights" Comic strips, based on the adventures I've played with various friends in such games as Rifts, AD&D, Gurps and many others. The areas for the games have occurred in places such as Fayetteville, Little Rock, Conway, Jacksonville, and even Mayflower.
  • And Lastly the Ultimate Campaign for Rift's which involves all of Palladium Books Games, from Rift's to TMNT to Heroes to Night Bane and Beyond the Supernatural. My first posting will be for my Corporation for Rifts "MISC. Inc."

    I am the creator of this lovely company for the Rift's world and it is a promising game-plot.

    I am currently in the works to update some of the background information along with adding in the key-figures of MISC. Inc.
    that will hopefully be added on later on this week, along with the missing Neo-Terran R.C.C. classes.

    Please Email me at xianlonestar@hotmail.com in the meantime with any suggestions, comments, ideas, etc. for my page.
    Please come back soon and visit my home page.

  • Copy Right postings for Palladium Books

    These pages have artwork and phrases from the many role-playing series of Palladium BooksR and are in no way works of my own. I use them merely as examples of Palladium artwork and in developing graphics for my page. Any artwork of my own that I place up here is stated as such. There are also links to other pages and sites that are based on/use concepts presented in those same books. This page is not for any form of personal gain - only for a personal enjoyment of the series. Please don't sue me.


    RobotechR is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Harmony Gold, U.S.A., Inc. and is used here merely as a descriptive term.

    Manhuntertm is a trademark owned by Myrimidion Press. It is used merely as a descriptive term.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesR is a registered trademark owned by Mirage studios. I use it here to refer to both the Palladium role-playing game and the comic book series created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

    Hook, Line, and Sinkertm is a trademark owned by Jolly Blackburn, the creator of the HLS style of adventure. I use it here because he has allowed Palladium BooksR to use it. If he should ask me to stop using it, I have no problem with doing so (e.g. I want to avoid legal action).


    Palladium BooksR, MechanoidsR, The Mechanoid InvasionR, RiftsR, MegaverseR, ReconR, and After the BombR are all registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.

    Nightbanetm, Scrayperstm, Wormwoodtm, Palladium Fantasy RPGtm, Ninjas & Superspiestm, Psyscapetm, Coalition Statestm, Northern Guntm, and all related/similar terms are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc. They are used here merely for descriptive purposes and reference.

    Links to other sites on the Web

    Palladium Books Official Web Page
    My RPG Index
    Geocities Home Page
    My update's Page
    Ideas for campaigns
    My Online Gaming Area

    You are visitor

    I have just now added my newest addition which will contain the information for my Palladium Fantasy Campaign.

    Remember, any questions, just send me an E-mail at:

    © 2000 xianlonestar@hotmail.com