[18:32] <@Mallamun> You're there.
[18:32] <@Mallamun> I'd just like to thank you for starting a fight, and keeping a fight by not giving back my wand that lost MY house 50 points when you were the criminal beind it.
[18:33] <@RebelFalcon> excsue me
[18:33] <@RebelFalcon> that isn't What?¿? caused u to lose points
[18:33] <@RebelFalcon> it was ur attitude in slytherin
[18:34] <@Mallamun> My "attitude in Slytherin" had already ceased.
[18:34] <@RebelFalcon> not What?¿? I heard
[18:34] <@Mallamun> It was this fight ontop of it that caused the Headmaster to take points.
[18:34] <@RebelFalcon> so dont' blame me
[18:34] <@Mallamun> I stopped doing that.
[18:34] <@Mallamun> And yes, I blame you for this fight.
[18:34] <@Mallamun> And for that portion of the points.
[18:34] <@Mallamun> I blame the Headmaster for the other portion.
[18:34] <@RebelFalcon> ur crazy
[18:35] <@Mallamun> I still don't think it's just to take points away from a person for expression their opinion.
[18:35] <@RebelFalcon> my god u threw a fit in here yesterday with lemdo
[18:35] <@Mallamun> What does THAT have to do with anything?
[18:35] <@RebelFalcon> everything
[18:36] <@Mallamun>That incident was not mention on the list of reasons why points were deducted.
[18:36] <@Mallamun> And it was not yesterday, it was 3 days ago now.
[18:36] <@RebelFalcon> ok whenever it was
[18:37] <@RebelFalcon> u need to grow up mal
[18:37] <@Mallamun> It does matter when it was-- the issue therein was resolved by now.
[18:37] <@Mallamun> I have growing up to do- but the fact that HSOM is run like a tight hush-hush Catholic boarding school doesn't help.
[18:38] <@RebelFalcon> well if u would quit putting others down it might help
[18:38] <@Mallamun> I say, "Hey, I don't like this! This isn't right!" They say "Shhh." I sceam "Hey, I don't like this" louder, they say "shh" louder. No one tries to discuss it with me, so I shout even louder. So they hit me on the head and tie me to a chair.
[18:38] <@Mallamun> The only person I've put down is Mon, for his decision.
[18:38] <@Mallamun> And it was objective.
[18:38] <@RebelFalcon> and u keep after Darkbeholder
[18:38] <@Mallamun> Oh my...
[18:39] <@Mallamun> Just NOW commenting negatively on how he does his job qualifies as "keeping after"?
[18:39] <@Mallamun> I haven't said anything about the way he runs this place until now.
[18:39] <@RebelFalcon> he runs it great even pip thinks so
[18:39] <@Mallamun> Yeah, cuz he's really good and hushing up anything that goes wrong.
[18:40] <@RebelFalcon> seems to me it's only u
[18:40] <@Mallamun> I guess I'm an example. "Actually point out when something goes wrong at HSOM, and you will be punished!" 50 points deducted-- wow, that ought to shut up anyone with an opinion for a while...
[18:40] <@Mallamun> That's because I'm the only one who actually bothers to keep standing up when something goes wrong!
[18:41] <@RebelFalcon> but nothing actually is going wrong till u start in
[18:41] <@Mallamun> Everyone else backs off when somebody in power starts glaring, because they're afraid of losing points, and they're afraid of change and chaos-- they're not better than their rulers, they want everything to be hush-hush and just so, so they accept everything like docile lambs.
[18:42] <@Mallamun> It IS wrong-- just nobody SAYS it. This whole "If 100 people stand in a room and say it's right, while 1 person says it's wrong, then that means what the 100 people say is correct" mentality is... well, flawed!
[18:42] <@RebelFalcon> but nobody else thinks its wrong
[18:42] <@Mallamun> Yes they do.
[18:42] <@Mallamun> They just don't prance around saying it.
[18:42] <@Mallamun> They said it once, then shut up.
[18:43] <@Mallamun> All I wanted was for somebody to sit down and dicuss these things
[18:43] <@Mallamun> That's it!
[18:43] <@RebelFalcon> u make mountains out of molehills
[18:43] <@Mallamun> There are no determined values of things-- they come within the perspective of the Humans.
[18:44] <@Mallamun> If somebody would have sat down and DISCUSSED these issues, it would've been resolved. I wouldn't have to have kept shouting, "YO! We need to DO something or agree on something here!" until it annoyed the heck out of everyone.
[18:44] <@Mallamun> No one wants to discuss anything. When something happens, that's the way it is, and everyone is expected to accept it like weak minded zombies.
[18:45] <@RebelFalcon> but ur just making it worse
[18:45] <@Mallamun> NO! I wanted to make it BETTER!
[18:45] <@Mallamun> But NO ONE WOULD LISTEN TO ME!
[18:45] <@RebelFalcon> things were discussed by those involved
[18:45] <@Mallamun> They all tried to shut me up, instead of actually talking!
[18:45] <@Mallamun> Yeah, behind my back.
[18:45] <@Mallamun> Those involved had already made up their minds.
[18:45] <@Mallamun> I came with a different opinion.
[18:45] <@RebelFalcon> behind ur ᠀k it had nothing to do with u
[18:45] <@Mallamun> But outside opinions aren't welcome.
[18:45] <@Mallamun> They'red shut up.
[18:46] <@Mallamun> EXACTLY! I'm not allowed to have an opinion!
[18:46] <@Mallamun> It's like sepperation of the classes!
[18:46] <@Mallamun> When those in charge make a decision, the people don't get to vote on it!
[18:46] <@Mallamun> It's the anti-Democracy!
[18:46] <@RebelFalcon> students shouldn't have a say in it
[18:46] <@Mallamun> That's right-- the lower classes shouldn't have an opinion.
[18:46] <@Mallamun> Their opinions shouldn't be heard or factored.
[18:47] <@Mallamun> They can't submit their words.
[18:47] <@Mallamun> They're shut up.
[18:47] <@RebelFalcon> it's rpg not rl mal
[18:47] <@Mallamun> Then why is it so important to them NOT TO LISTEN TO ME??
[18:47] <@Mallamun> If it's just RPing, it can't be that dangerous to let an opinion in!
[18:47] <@RebelFalcon> cause u go about it the wrong way
[18:47] <@Mallamun> HSOM's goal is "fun for everyone." yeah right.
[18:48] <@Mallamun> And you think everyone else could go about it better?
[18:48] <@Mallamun> You think Dark could've gone about it better?
[18:48] <@Mallamun> THEN WHY DIDN'T. HE.
[18:48] * @Mallamun sits down, sighing
[18:48] <@RebelFalcon> What?¿? is the big problem with lemdo being hos
[18:49] <@Mallamun> It's not a BIG problem-- it's been made into a big problem for no good reason!
[18:49] <@RebelFalcon> just because u weren't asked to be it?
[18:49] <@Mallamun> NO!
[18:49] <@RebelFalcon> only u did
[18:49] <@Mallamun> Argh, why does everyone keep saying that???
[18:50] <@Mallamun> Why does everyone think "If she has an opinion different than the majority, then she must want something or be evil or something"
[18:50] <@RebelFalcon> give lemdo a chance he may surprise u
[18:51] <@Mallamun> I already did!
[18:51] <@Mallamun> I said "Ok, I'll give you 2 weeks to prove yourself
[18:51] <@Mallamun> "
[18:51] <@Mallamun> Issue resolved!
[18:51] <@RebelFalcon> that's the problem
[18:51] <@Mallamun> Dark kept hacking at my back about it afterwards!
[18:52] <@RebelFalcon> he's going to try so hard he will fail
[18:52] <@RebelFalcon> everyone needs to lay off of him
[18:52] <@Mallamun> I'm sorry I was never asked nicely to do so, then.
[18:52] <@Mallamun> But I still disagree with it-- and I'm not changing my opinion because I'm asked to or because it's contrary.
[18:53] <@Mallamun> I hate to say this, but Dark runs HSOM like a communist country.
[18:53] <@RebelFalcon> he does not
[18:53] <@Mallamun> He does to! As proven earlier up!
[18:53] <@Mallamun> It's the anti-democracy!
[18:53] <@RebelFalcon> I have no problem with him
[18:54] <@Mallamun> Because you accept everything that happens like a good little lamb.
[18:54] <@Mallamun> And you never argue or stand up for yourself.
[18:54] <@RebelFalcon> oh I do
[18:54] <@RebelFalcon> but that's between me and the person it is with
[18:54] <@RebelFalcon> I have learned to compromise
[18:54] <@Mallamun> That's all I wanted!
[18:54] <@Mallamun> A COMPRAMISE!!!!!!!!
[18:55] <@Mallamun> THey wouldn't even offer me THAT!
[18:55] <@Mallamun> That's all I wanted to do!
[18:55] <@RebelFalcon> seems to me u fight till u get What?¿? u want like a spoiled brat
[18:55] <@Mallamun> At the time I was shut up, I hadn't even gotten to that point!
[18:56] <@Mallamun> I was only at the point of FIGHTING TO BE HEARD IN THE FIRST PLACE!
[18:56] <@Mallamun> I hadn't even had a CHANCE to fight for my opinion yet!
[18:56] <@Mallamun> I was still fighting to get somebody to LISTEN to it@
[18:56] <@Mallamun> *!
[18:56] <@RebelFalcon> they do What?¿? is good for the site, there thinking of it not What?¿? everyone wants
[18:57] <@Mallamun> Then. Why. Not. Just. Calmly. Agree. To. Discuss. It. With. Me. In. Email. Or. IRC.
[18:57] <@Mallamun> Arggh...
[18:57] <@RebelFalcon> cause u act like this
[18:57] <@Mallamun> I act like this NOW because I keep getting hit down!
[18:57] <@Mallamun> I wasn't like this when it started- I had to keep shouting louder and louder to be heard, but it never worked.
[18:57] <@RebelFalcon> they do it cause u do this
[18:58] <@Mallamun> What'm I doing-- I'm ranting to a brick wall...
[18:58] <@Mallamun> You're not even an American.
[18:58] <@RebelFalcon> I am so...
[18:58] <@Mallamun> Tch-- you've got it written on a card somewhere? Well you certainly don't agree with the American principals. You'd get along better in Iraq or the past Soviet Union.
[18:59] <@RebelFalcon> £aughing Õut £oudly
[18:59] <@RebelFalcon> I was born and raised in Kansas
[18:59] <@RebelFalcon> a lot different then how u were