It has been almost three years since we first started this site - in August 1999. This site is in no way the biggest or the most well known site; it was never our intention to be either. We knew that would be impossible considering that we were so far behind when we first had this site up and also there wasn't much upto date news where we're from. But we're happy that we've established a place where we and all you guys can remember Star Trek: Voyager by. Our aim for this site was to have the most informative Star Trek: Voyager website, most friendly site and most importantly: to be the most down-to-earth site. What we mean by that is we didn't want to appear to be anymore important than anyone else just because we are the "webmistresses of the site". We didn't want to make our site seem like you must go through some sort of "customs check" in order to submit anything. We hope that we have achieved that. Our expectation for this site wasn't high. In fact we never thought it would last up on the web for more than a year before we gave up because of the lack of interest for our site. Now that it's the year 2002, we have to say that it has surpassed our expectations. You guys e-mailed and submitted work. (Which brings us to the point) We want to thank-you all for visiting and keeping the site going by visiting. It gives us pleasure to know that there are still people who are still interested in Star Trek: Voyager and still continue to visit our site and all the other Star Trek: Voyager sites even after the end of the show. It's sad to know that Star Trek: Voyager has ended because we believe that this show is much more than just a sci-fi show with aliens and technobabble (which confuses us sometimes with how technical it is). We think that this show and its characters teaches us so much more than that. Because of that and you loyal ST:VOY fans who keep on visiting these kind of sites (fansites), it has encouraged us to keep it updated as much as possible - and we will - and keep it going for as long as possible. Keep on supporting Star Trek: Voyager and keep it alive. Don't let it die! Keep on rooting for a Star Trek: Voyager movie. One day maybe we'll see our favourite characters again on the big screen! Thanks heaps for visiting throughout the years.
It is because of you guys that has made this site possible. Definitely! |