A while ago, I created a James Bond Page, and it was cool for a while, but I also like other hero/super hero type people too. They were really cool, and I liked them just as much, if not more! So I decided to devote pages to each of my favorite superhero people.

Spider-Man Indiana Jones James Bond

Aside from Spiderman, Indiana Jones, and James Bond, there are other, slightly less known heros and superheros im fond of. Here they are!


Freakazoid is a cult cartoon show that ran for one season on the WB Network and had about twenty-somthing episodes. It featured Dexter Duglas who was zapped into the internet one day because of a software flaw randomly activated by his cat Mr. Chubbikins. He downloaded all of the internets information into his brain and became the :: Duh, Duh, Duuuhh... :: Freakazoid. He has a lovely, easy on the eyes, perriwinkle complextion, and wears fashionable red underwear which bear his emblem, the F!. He can switch back and for just by saying the magical words "freak-out" or "freak-in"

The Freakalair

Fun with Freakazoid


Save Freakazoid

Saturday Morning



Thief - The Dark Project - If you ever see the game Thief, go get it. Its awsome, thanks Luke!

Fox Mulder

Michael Vaughn and The Alias Crew




Dr. Sam Beckett Quantum Leap Quantum Leap Screen Savers

Crime Scene Investigators

Romeo Montegue

The Theater Page


The Naked Cowboy!

The Naked CowBoy! - Lol! We saw this guy in New York in the streets before Annie Get Your Gun! People were taking pictures with him, and giving him money to stuff in his boots!! Ahh... what we struggling actors won't do for a day job....

System Shock 2

TV Stuff - Some cool TV downloads.