m y s e l f . . .

Let me just tell you a little bit about myself incase you don't know about me. I'm 17, and come from a tiny town in Massachusetts. I go to S.L.R.H.S. and am a part of thier Drama Club and ( dwindling ) Marching Band. I play the French Horn, a limited number of songs on the trombone, and yes, even the b flat scale on the trumpet!

Our Drama Club has put on such plays as, Into the woods, Reckless, Once Upon a Mattress, The Proposal, and The Dinning Room. The music department finished thier run of H.M.S. Pinafore early in November. In case you couldn't make it i was the evil one-eyed ugly hunchback that nobody liked. ( No, I was not typecast )The drama department will also be producing Our Town November 30th and December 1st. I'll be running things behind the scenes as stage manager with the ever radient Caitlin Harper. If your in the area, stop by and see us, there are alot of talented people there.

I also spend most of my Saturdays on a big yellow bus, going to Speech & Debate tournaments scattered across Massachusetts. We stand in the front of a classroom, a judge and about six others and perform a short piece of writing (such as a one act play, or someone's speech), give a mock radio broadcast, or present a mock congress speech on a proposed bill. There is a broad variety of categories. Then if you do really well, at the end of the day they give you a big shiny trophy. On the team I usually do Hurerous Interpertation, or Playreading. I'm also very happy to announce that I will be one of the three captians of the team next year! I'm really looking forward to it. ( Does this make me an official drama geek now? ) It's wicked fun and it has some pretty kick-ass people in it..... and Bennie Rules!... with no arms!!

I also belong to a wicked cool organization called the Society Of Young Magicians ( S.Y.M. for short ) we meet every month in boston at Hank Lee's Magic Factory, a very cool place to get all your magic needs and accessories! I held the Secretaryship last year and wrote many articals ( mostly late ones hehe ) for our news letter the Boston Mini Wizzard. ( B.M.W. for short ) I justfinnished my term as president, when I try to hold my monthly presidents workshop, write my monthly articals, and host all the meetings for the year. We occasionally put on shows and recently I have been proforming the Zig Zag with the group using the lovely Jenny " Princess " Cormier, and the beautiful and talented Andreah Brown. Thanks again girls. Coudn't have done it without you.

In my spare time, I enjoy... mainly... sleeping and eating. I also like to play Nintendo. The coolest game I have is Goldeneye. It's really awesome and I suggest you get it. The second one isn't nearly as good as the first. I also have Mission impossible which is really cool, and Diddy Kong Country.

I also clean my room alot. Its really odd, it gets really messy and dusty every week. I think the problem is that I have too much stuff. I've been working really hard, and I threw out two whole trash bags full of stuff over the summer,... the scary part is, its not that much cleaner... ) Im gunna see if I can do somthing about that soon.

Some of my favorite movies are Ferris Beulers Day Off, Creul intentions, gone in 60 seconds, any James Bond flick, The Shawshank Redempion, Castaway, What Women Want ( sorry, but its true ), Jurrassic Park, Empire Records, Mission Impossible, and other cool movies. Some of my favorite plays I've seen are Noises Off, Chicago, Annie Get your Gun, and Animals and Plants. They rock!

As long as were on this entertainment media kick, i recently got back into cartoons! Mainly the X Men! Its all really cool. In case you don't know about it, its about these genetic mutants, and they all have these special individual super powers, like laser vision, or phasing through walls. Its awesome. I also like Freakazoid, Scooby Doo, Johny Bravo, and Pokemon. ( I also like anime, like Ranma 1/2, Dragon Ball Z, and the movie Perfect Blue. )

Well that's all about me for now, but if you come back laterI'll have some more good stuff up here for ya. Again, If you have any suggestions, comments or questions E-mail me! I dont get enough email as it is! :) Thanks for your help! See ya later!! -

- Bond, James Bond