The Hacker Page

Lately I've been getting into the the darker side of the net, and reading about internet money schemes, phone phreaking, hacking and maleware. While I don't claim to be a hacker, or anything close, I am getting there. As my dad would say I know enough to get me into trouble but not out of it. So, anyway, here are some links, most of which I got from a book called "Steal This Computer Book 2." It's a great book, especially for beginners like me, and it tought me alot. Plus it came with a cool CD (called "Steal This CD", surprise, surprise)So anyways If anything on this page intrests you then i would strongly recoment picking up this book.

Search EnginesCencorship and HatePeople FindersHacksHacker wareProtection Ware


If you want to start seeing all the stuff on the web, you need to know where and how to look for it. Here are some crazy search engines out there on the internet that could help you narrow your search.

Avatar Search - The search engine devoted entirely to the occult, witchcraft, ghosts, and other interesting things.

Disinformation . Com - A search engine devoted entirely to government cover-ups, UFO sightings, conspiracys and other paranormal activity.

The Federal Web Locator - Searches for any and all fedreal documentation publicly posted on the net.

All Search Engines . Com - A meta search engine which basicly searches a whole bunch of other searchengines all at once for you.

The Front Page

Dogpile . Com - Another meta search engine. My personal favorite.

Webwring - Another search engine about anything on the net.

With everything out there on the internet, it's not surprising that some people don't want you to see it all. Internet censorship is all over the world, especally in comunist countrys like cuba and china, as well as domesticly with internet restriction programs like net nannys, and cyber patrol, as well as in our schools with banned books. Here are some internet sites devoted to the fight against censorship, primerally on the internet.

Index on Censorship - This web site keeps a up to date list of alot of censorship out there on the internet.

Religous Tolerance - This site promotes religous tolerance in the world. A good thing right?? This site was restricted on numourus child protection software.

PeaceFire - This is an organization that fights senceless censorship on the internet like the one listed above and was banned from child protection software, just because they were against the software.

Human Rights in China - A web site promoting human rights in communist china. As it is they have severe web site restrictions, so most of thier stuff doesnt get out to the rest of the world, while they are restricted by theier government to most of the other stuff in the world.

Cuba News - A site about news in Cuba, the best way to fight things is to stay informed.

The Cuban-American Foundation - A site from the democratic movement in cuba. This page needed to be hacked as well just to be put up without the governments notice.

Hate Watch - The saying goes keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. This site proves that. It is totally devoted to monitering all of the things that all the hate groups out there are doing. Its funny to read some of this stuff. Sometimes you'll find group A's web site about group B and Group B's web site about group A, and if you take out the the gender/color/religous differences.... they say the same thing. Hate it evil. Don't spread it.

Southern Poverty Law Center - A great site promoting anti-hate.

Positive Youth Foundation - Another such site. - This is a site lists alot of the web pages all over the world. It's good to stay informed and to know what all of the other countries think. (especially what they think of you!).

Newo - Another newspaper website.

Nerd World - Another newspaper organization with a computer influence.

Everytime you sign up for somthing publicly, wether it be a job, or an online program or a credit card, your giving information about yourself away. Some of these web sites can be used to track you down if your not too carefull. Wanna find out how safe you are? Try typing your name into some of these sites!

Freeality - A bunch of people finder web sites

Ahh... the good stuff. Anything made by man can be undone by man, and anything is possible. Keep this in mind as you explore these links. Below you will find links to hacker conventions, to links about hacker programs and where you can download them, to sites that will give you anything you could want to know about the relm of hacking. Just remember, just because I may have a link to somthing here, doesn't nessecerily mean I'm telling you you should do it. Alot of things you might find on these pages could become illegal if used the wrong way (or used at all). I'm putting them here for.... simply reseach and information perpouses only! :)

Def Con

Hope 2000

Anti Online

Attrition Security News

Down Seek

Underground Technology News


Secure Root

Web Fringe

Cult of the Dead Cow

Sub Seven

HTML Encrypt Software

Warez File Area

Hacking Haven

nikkis aol collection

Hacking Files

Hacking Page

Elite Top List




Phone Rangers

Hack Canada

Mikko Technology Security Software

Camp Software


Web Root Software Inc.

Q Peek Software

NetBus Software


Password Recovery Software

Access Data - Password Breakers

Quicky Password Generator

CD Recorders

Scam Busters - An E-zine that looks for internet scams. Watch out!!

Internet Fraud WatchAnother fraud watching organization. There's more out there then you think!

@Stake Security News

Northwest Performance Software Net Scan Tools

Wild Packets

E Eye Internet Security

NT Security Admisistrator

Veracity File Integrity Checker Software

Security Architecture and Administration

Trip Wire

Web Again

Net Work Associates

Virus Encyclopediea

Sophos Antivirus


X Ploiter

F-Secure Security Information Center

Symantic Security Responce

Data Rescue Gnutelliums Worm Detector

AoHell Documentation


Human Rights In China



Nerd World Media

Index On Censorship

The 600 Club, stanistic comunity

Programmers Heaven


The Grand Page Of Trojans

Unix For Windows

Packet Storm

Blue Linux

1200 Fonts!

Easy Everything - The Online Internet Cafe'! Check all your mail, chat and more for 30 minutes all for a buck!! Right on Broadway!

The Web Monkey - I owe this site a hole lot. Without it this would not be here today. If you ever need to learn HTML, this page will teach it to you in a fun way! Its Great.

Geocities! - Go Here to get your free homepage.... sorry I feel bad, I erased thier annoying little add from the main page :)

Silver Lake AVThis is the Silver Lake Audio Visual Department.

An aol SCAM to get your password!! Dont give it to them!!!!