Bond's Hideaway

A.K.A. Kryceck's Lair 2

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Hey! Welcome to my site. My own little nitch in this huge cybernetic world. I was finally able to figure out what was wrong in the marass of html coding embedded in my page, and now I'm back up and running again!! I haven't been updating this page a whole lot in the past, but now that I'm home from school for the summer, I've been updating it more then usual. Unfortunatly, god decided to deal me a cruel hand in life and cut me off line every ten minutes. So I've given up all hope whatsoever of doing any more repairs to this site untill im off safely at college, unter the protection of the best ethernet card ever!! : I jus got kicked off : i forgot what i was going to say.....anyways, to the phone lines unter my street I CURSE YOU!! I CURSE YOU ALL, AND HOPE YOU DECAY AND ROT IN HELL!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... :saves his work: but to the rest of you, i apologise. However, untill i can stay connected for 20 consecutive minutes, hopefully you'll enjoy what is here, and share it amongst yourselves. I added some exciting new improvments in the past couple of days so, see if you can find em! ( To the interested, i actually conducted a scientific study monotoring the amount of times i got kicked off in one week. results... 6.4 times times a day on average, 47 times all together, with an average online time of 2.3 hours a day.. ( with a 1.2 hour median ) which actually puts me at getting disconnected liek every 23 minutes if you too the mean number of hours i stay on line per day, if you took the median, whih is probably more acutate to average day to day life... every 12 minutes. but hey who's counting... Thanks Mr. Sawyer!)

I'm just your average high school kid, and I decided to make a web page about myself one day. In the mean time feel free to roam the expances of my page and have fun! This is, as many of you know, my second web page. I have the link to my first web page somewhere in this massive tangle of pages, its still up and running somehow, so feel free to visit it.

Well that's about it for now, but come back later, and hopefully, if your increadably lucky there will be some more good stuff up here for ya. Please, if you have any suggestions, comments or questions E-mail me! I dont get enough email as it is! :) Thanks! See ya later!! -

- Bond, James Bond

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