

Two new links and some new stuff to the Random Thoughts section. Took down some inner-site links that, quite frankly, I just don't want to deal with. I want to put up edited material on my website, and it's just too much energy to do the editing myself. And yes, contrary to popular belief, I am indeed alive. I've gone into hibernation for the past year, as many have noted, and- ::cuts off in the midst of making her big explanitory speech as the clock strikes midnight, turning her into a pumpkin::
Added some new fanart, and there is a few more coming, I have to coordinate my work hours with my downloading time-I can't download much at work, so I only download zipped files, and stuff that wouldn't open on my computer. I also added a new rant a ways back, mostly as a result of my job. And I'm working on editing three different fics right now, a few of which have been years in the process. Hey, it's tough workto HTMLize everything AND find background music, and read over just in case of mistakes! ...ok, so I'm just a LITTLE lazy, too...but it IS coming. n_n;;
Added a new Fanart and a new Link. I've been working my butt off on editing these new fics, and I have a few more links (I think?) and fanarts coming up, but I only have 30 mins on, so this is the best I can do! Gomen!!
I can type. Honestly, I can. LOTS of cleaning up (but I never seem to be done with that, ne?), new links, improved links, and updated fanfiction section, took down my Insight pic in the fanart section. Aw man, I missed the one-year anniversery of this page! Oh well. I'm sorry guys, I've been very very busy. If I haven't responded to your e-mail, then a thousand apologies-but I simply won't be able to. I have read all of them, but stradling Soccer, School, Practice for the lead role in a musical, singing group, handbells, small group, church....I'm amazed I even have a life at all. Well, today was a day off, so I actually had time to work on updating. If I've ignored a specific update you guys have asked me to make (Christopher H, I actually haven't forgotten your fanart. But do you think you could maybe convert it to JPG format? GIFs won't upload right.), please e-mail me on it again...and I'm really sorry for not getting back to SOOO many of you! Well, I AM alive, and this page is finally updated! Added December 2nd:: A new rant. I didn't want to make a whole new update out of this 'cause it's so small.
THE WORLD IS ENDING!!! Heheheheh, not really, but close to it. I actually put up a fanart!! ::gasp:: And not just any fanart, a NON-self-insertion one! ::bigger fasp:: MOREOVER, it's of PICCOLO! ::a huge thud as everyone passes out from the utter shock, then trying to imagine how horrible Piccolo would look in an Insight-created fanart.:: No, really, it's not that bad, otherwise, I wouldn't have put it up. I'm working on a colored version of it. Check it out, if ya want! Well, I joined a new clique, a Namek loving clique, hence the new link and that little "Green Rapture: Piccolo-san" thingy. Go ahead and check the place out...it's for Piccolo otakus, and I like to think of myself as such.
Two new links, a few small clean-ups, and some "behind the scenes" work. Sorry, not much. With a new job, and my starting school soon, I'm gonna be pretty bogged down for awhile. hr>
Some small clean-ups, a new welcoming message, a new link, and a new rant. (Thanks a million, PS!).
I don't get it. It's summer, therefore, more free time, right? So why am I updating it less? U_U(). At any rate, there are two pretty major changes, as wells as a few minor ones, meaning, for the latter, just some random clean-ups. The first chapter was finally posted for "Summer Vacations" in the
Fanfics section, and the long promised Random Thoughts section is back up again. Enjoy!
Gomen nasai!!! It's been so long since I've updated! I have good reason, though. I went visiting relatives for a week, and when I came back, all my e-mail had been deleted!! LUCKILY, it was just a small glitch, and it came back a week later. There's a new fanfic up (kinda. The intro's up...I'm in the process of HTMLizing the first chapter.), called "Summer Vacations," by Shiba, check it out, it's in the Fanfics section! (Duh.) There's also a new link up, and a good one, at that. If there's a link I missed, I apologize, I might have lost it. Other than that, I think I'm all caught up. Oh yeah, and and I did some cleaning up here&there.
((Double-dated 'cause I updated this through midnight))Three new fanarts!! They're all pencil sketches done by Cegi M. Hart, and are very good. Check 'em out! I also did a bit of cleaning up, especially in this updates section. Still can't bear to get rid of the "Merry Christmas message, though! Man, I'm nuts. A little more behind the scenes work once again...the Random Thoughts sections just may ressurect!
Heh...I wonder if I'll ever get around to adding more pictures? Well, I've been getting a ton of e-mails regarding the Garlic Jr. Saga...thank you very much peoples! And though that's really nice that people would do that, I'll admit, it left me pretty mystified. Until I remembered one of the rants I had up from over half a year ago, regarding how Funimation wasn't showing them. It's all much clearer now, so I've added a note at the end...I do, at this point, acknowledge that they are being shown. Though there are no other apparent changes, I've been doing a lot of "behind the scenes" work on my site, namely organizing my thoughts and ideas for future fanfics, as well as actually getting the plot set up for one that might appear on my site in the not-to-distant (hopefully!) future.
Finally got around to doing REAL thumbnails in the picture section. And sorry, but it was such a long and tedious process, that I didn't add any new ones. But hey, I did work on it at least, and now it loads a lot faster. I actually got rid of the link PS had warned me about, as well as updating TNU's banner-link. Changed my index to a file manager file at long last (it had been page maker before, not 'cause I made it that way, but deleted the little message they had up and put in my own HTML), as well as some small changes.
My apologies, minna-san! It's been finals week at my school, and I've been forced to do a "slow update." New links is pretty much all I bring you (as well as another paragraph in the "Why I like Piccolo" section), but there are some pretty good ones. Thanks for the e-mails, and I'm truly sorry if I haven't yet gotten back to you; like I said, I've been horribly busy. I will try to respond to them all, and if you have a site that I like (yes, I do check out the link you send me before I post it so I can review it), then I'll post it up ASAP. And thanks to Psychotic Saiya-jin for seeing that Saiyan Eevee's Bardock shrine has indeed been taken down; the link no longer exists. Well, expect some picture on my next update, as well as possibly a fanfic! Oh, and one more thing. If you've sent me a link, and I haven't posted your site up, please send it again; I might've lost the e-mail, and I don't want to leave a worthy site out!
Added some links, and a new fanart, as well as getting rid of the badly-done old one. Come on, ppls...I need fanart! ...On that note, I need fanfiction, guestbook signatures, e-mail, etc...
Merry (belated) Christmas, everyone! Did some cleaning up, changed the music to part 6 (the one I had added last time, but did mention the possibility of a music change.) I also added part 7, having just finished HTMLizing it.
Created webpage