come to The Namek Universe, largest Piccolo network on the
PDSC (Piccolo Deserves Some CreditBy Sailor M, (another great fanfic writer, and Piccolo otaku) a site devoted to giving Piccolo the credit he deserves. It has this hillarious section, "WSYTIP" (Warning Signs you're turning into Piccolo) So go check it out!
Piccolo's Namek-Saijin reststop-A descent Piccolo shrine with an adorable background.
DBZ uncensored-A site devoted to showing all the differences between the original Japanese DBZ and dub then complaining about it. It rocks. ;D
Tuxedo Scum and Chibi Freak-A developing page devoted to bashing, you guessed it, Tuxedo Mask and Chibi-Usa. I don't really like either of them. If you do, I would not recommend going to this link, unless you're very open minded.
Piccolo's shrine-A great Piccolo shrine, with pics, music, fanarts, etc.
The bond of Piccolo and Son Gohan-A Piccolo and Gohan shrine in development.
The Best of Anime!-Ever wonder what this mysterious poll I talk about often is? No? Oh well. This is an enourmous voting poll for all anime.
Dot-chan's fiction corner-Tons of Anime fanfiction, with lots of crossovers.
Generation Morph-I finally remembered where I got a TON of my music from...this is one AWESOME animorphs site, with GREAT music. Check it out, especially if you have no clue what an "Animorph" is.
If Things Had Turned Out Differently -A site with a new twist...I like it. If you don't like a slight twist on the DBZ cast, I recommend not going. If so, and if you're in for a good laugh, then proceed. Caution:: No drinking liquids while reading the fanfics.
SREDBZ's Dragon Ball Homepage -A great DBZ site, with TONS of stuff.
Psychotic Saiyan's Digisite -One of my good friends at the voting polls. It's all about Digimon.
Tomo-chan's realm of insanity -A really good shrine, with fanfics, and epic, pics, some of the CUTEST fanart I've ever seen. Definetly worth checking out. I don't know how she draws Piccolo. I certainly can't...(ever wonder why I don't have any pictures of him done by me up?)
Anthony's DBZ site -Prepare to be bombarded with things happening EVERYWHERE. Great HTMLing. Lots of moving gifs. A very clean-looking sight. It's got some pics, movs, and music.
Mamono Shakuhachi (The DBZ Fanfic Fallout Shelter) -Love it. I've only read one chapter so far of the fanfic, and I love it already. The owner can write!! Very well done page. It mainly houses one epic, from what I've seen.
Eye's [sic] of a Saiyan- Love the background...who wouldn't? A blosoming page on DBZ, with some faulty HTML, but for the most part, pretty good!
Namekian Warriors- Sweet page! Nice background music, a GREAT genre, and over-all, very well-done!
DBZ Home-A shrine dedicated to both Trunks and Piccolo. Great page, definetly worth seeing.
Dragon Ball Z Clan- A DBZ RPG game, and since Piccolo's at the top, it gets extra brownie points. It's got a catchy background tune.
Shenlong's lairAt least, I think that's the title. The page takes a bit of loading time (or maybe that's just my stupid modem, and I suspect the latter), but it's packed with lots of stuff, as well as some adorable pics on the index page.
Green Rapture-Awesome page. A site devoted to creating a clique for those enlightened people who realize just how AWESOME Nameks are. If you're a TRUE Piccolo otaku, then I suggest you get your butt over there and join. After all, the more members, the more those Vegeta and Trunks fans can see just how much Piccolo is loved. ((Not that I have aything against either character; they just get the most attention. Too much attention.)). Not many members are there yet, but with YOUR guys's help, there WILL be!
Nameless Piccolo shrine-Well, there's not a name yet, except for "Index"-But hey, it's got one SWEET fanart up. As of today (11-24) there's nothing else up, but there will, in the near future, be a lot of cool stuff. So check it out!
Vegeta Pimpin'-LoL, the title says it all-do I really need to say more?
Dreaming in Green -Cute!!
Kat's Daily Sketch - A collection of the anime-based drawings of the artist Kat, aka "Emerald Rose." Very nice style, very nice drawings. Beware of Mernameks!
Dark Wings Duo - the owner is currently Odayaka, and it's a verycomprehensive Duo-shrine. Efficient, neat, humorous, and bishonen galore!
Big Paper Sacks: A Fan Fiction Site! - a collection of a few fanfic authors, with series spanning from Sorcerer Hunters, to Gundam Wing, to Harry Potter - wait, that's not an anime - who wrote this - oh yeah, I did! At any rate, the site says they all support yaoi. I, personally, don't. Still, I know two of the three, and I've met once the fourth - I like 'em, they're cool. And some good fiction!