
Information on Piccolo

So who is Piccolo?

Piccolo is a Namekian warrior, a crucial character in Dragon Ball Z who-

Woah...back up...What's Dragon Ball Z?

Well, Dragon Ball Z is an anime fro-

What's an anime?

Grrr....think you could let me get a single sentance out without interruptin-


*Eyes flash red* JUST SHUT UP AN LET ME TALK!

Ok, ok...sorry. You don't need to be so mean...

*sigh* Anime is the word for Japanese animation, which is extremely popular all around the world, having been dubbed and subbed into many languages, includig English. Some other examples of anime are Sailor Moon, Pokémon, and of course, Dragon Ball Z. Many times animes will start from "mangas," which are basically Japanese comic books.

Dragon Ball Z is one such anime. The big theme is that there are seven dragon balls, and when all are collected, the Eternal Dragon, Shen-long, comes out an grants you a wish. But the plot is about Goku, the main hero, and his friends training to become stronger and stronger, and overcome each evil the faces them.

I see. So tell me about Piccolo.

Now you're talking. Piccolo is a Namekian warrior, and a major character in Dragon Ball Z. He was originally evil, which I'll get to later, but slowly warms up to the other characters. He's very strong, very smart, and quite a force to be reckoned with. With many strange namkeian powers, such as regeneration, telepathy, and being able to lengthen his arms, he proves his worth over and over. Without him, Dragon Ball Z would not exist, or at least not be the same Dragon Ball Z it is today.

What is his origin?

A small spaceship made a lonely voyage around the galaxy, searching for a home on which the Nameks could live, since their planet was dying. It crash-landed on earth, giving it's passanger quite a jolt, forcing it to lose it's memory. This was the child of Katat, one of the few survivors of the royal Dragon Family, a line of geniuses. The child of Katat waited for patiently for his parents to come, but they never did, so he set off on his own. He heard the position for Kami was opening up, so he tried for it and suceeded. To fully achieve this honor, though, he had to seperate himself from all his evil. This evil came out in another form. So there were now two, the good side was known as Kami, and the bad as Piccolo Daimaou. Piccolo Daimaou was evil, so Son Goku, the main character, comes along. They fight, and Piccolo Daimaou underestimates Goku, so he ends up losing. As he's dying, he spits out an egg (The Namekian means of reproduction) and swears that his son will have revenge. Thus, Piccolo entered the world.

So why is he important to the series?

Because Piccolo kicks butt!

Can you give me a more descriptive answer?

.........I guess...But are you ready to hear a ton of ranting? If so, then go here

So I realize this isn't as complete as it should be...gimme a break, I just started this page...E-mail me and tell me if anything's wrong with my information!