WELCOME to the home of J/C in Luned's Quadrant On this site you can navigate your way to my J/C fanfiction, the best J/C song lyrics I know, and a list of some great J/C links. If you aren't sure what J/C is, then I'm amazed you've got this far into the Quadrant. But if you really want to know, check out the JetC Homepage |
Updated 01/10/99 to add a short piece: 'The woman I am'
Legal stuff: everything pertaining to USS Voyager NCC-74656, its crew, or the Star Trek universe are the property of Paramount. The stories are mine. Feel free to read them, e-mail me with comments, download and print them if you like, whatever. BUT please don't pass them on or reproduce them without asking me first.
Dark Hours
12/98A tale of denial, tragedy and a second chance, in four parts.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Night Thoughts 12/98
A few weeks after the events of 'Dark Hours', Kathryn Janeway makes an entry into her personal log.
Dancing through the Dark 12/98
Three months after the events of Dark Hours, a wedding on Voyager leads Janeway to review the path of her life.
Recordings 01/99
Six months after the events of Dark Hours, Janeway finally views Chakotay's last message to her.
Reviewing 02/99
Direct follow-on to Recordings.
All I Want 05/99 NEW
Chakotay has a surprise for Kathryn…and Kathryn has a surprise for Chakotay.
COMING SOONRight, now I can't pretend it doesn't exist. This is my devil's child of a story, and I've been working at it since last Summer. It's in fragments, and I'm struggling to write the in-between bits. Some of it needs changing, and the details still have to be re-worked. It's my inevitable 'Voyager gets home' story, and I'm getting desperate to post it before they actually get home on the show. So…concerted effort, and it may be up by July.
The Woman I am 10/99 NEW
This piece is a companion piece to 'The Woman You Were', set later, at the end of 'Equinox II'. It also breaks my golden rule…it doesn't have a happy ending. The piece is quite short and sorrowful, and it's Janeway's POV.
The Woman You Were 03/99
This piece is an episode addition to 'Disease', and breaks my golden rule…it doesn't have a happy ending (unless TPTB give us one). Having now seen all of Season Five up to this episode, I find it astonishing how little I like Janeway now, and how much harder it has become to imagine Chakotay loving her, or her loving him. This piece is very short and quite depressing, told from Chakotay's POV.
03/99A short story of angst, in which Chakotay struggles with memories. I wrote it in one sitting, after getting terribly pessimistic about the chances for a J/C relationship on 'Voyager'. Part Two followed shortly afterwards, when the Happy Ending Pixie took over and worked it out.
Delta Days 01/99
JetC18 challenge…Write a short story containing ALL of the following objects: fishnet stockings, the word "gungho", a pez dispenser, a straw hat, and a phaser rifle.
Exposed 01/99
Another JetC18 challenge - write a story involving a 'curse' which affects Janeway and Chakotay so that they have to say exactly what they're thinking and feeling. I tried not to turn it into the Delta Quadrant version of 'Attached', but I freely admit it has similarities.
The Little Matter of a Day 12/98
JetC18 challenge…one set by me so I only have myself to blame. Not at all how I expected it would turn out, this was my first attempt at a Voyager Christmas story.
The Little Matter of a Date 12/98
Follow-up to the above. Well, I couldn't leave it like that, could I?!
Forgotten 09/98
Written and set at the end of 'Unforgettable'. B'Elanna has trouble concentrating and goes for a walk.
My NC-17 Stories
Stories rated NC-17 due to language and descriptions of consensual sex. If you are under the age of 18, or offended by such scenes, please stick to what's on this page. If not, click below.
Future 09/98
An idle speculation about a Star Trek movie of the future. I haven't done much with this...it's here because I was asked to post it.
Blinded 07/98
Captain Janeway loses her sight, and Chakotay tries to get her to see again. Kind of. Part of a longer story that I didn't finish, but I had to get this part out of my head and onto the page.
SILLY STORIES DELTABLUES (Dedicated to Review Boy)Part One 11/98 Also known as Tom and Harry's Excellent Adventure. Involving a hangover, a wrecked shuttle and a planet full of red-headed women. Part two 01/99 Tom continues his adventures on the Planet of the Red-headed Women. Look surprised (and probably irritated) as he meets their pet. Marvel as he tries to escape by challenging them to a game of Twister. Gasp as he uncovers their strange communications device. Etc.
Worse things 09/98 Warning...VERY VERY SILLY
One perfect song nominated by me, and a couple more I was asked to add. If you want to suggest one, e-mail me!
Missed an episode? Want to check something about one you haven't seen for a while? Then go here:
Deltablues - Jim Wright's Voyager Reviews
The Godfather of all Reviewers…one-stop shop for re-tellings and reviews of all Voyager episodes from Caretaker right up to the most recently aired. A lifeline for those of us stuck in the UK and six months behind the US for episodes (although I have a best friend who has a video recorder…), and simply the best review site going. Humorous, insightful, and opinionated; I can't speak highly enough of this site. Don't take my word for it, go and take a look yourself.
The J/C sites on the web are too many to mention here; besides others have posted them all before, and much more thoroughly than I would. So here's just a link to some of my personal favourites, and some good navigation pages if you want to read more.
The starting page for J/C-ers. Particularly recommended - the Drinking Game! I had fun playing this, especially because I neglected to tell my partner the rules. I think I won, but can't really remember…
Melissa B's ultimate links list...all the J/C links going. Check this out...do not miss it!
The Talking Stick Circle Series
I hesitate to call this fanfiction, since it is a novel in length, scope and ambition. The characters develop into people that Paramount wouldn't recognise, but who are still clearly the crew of Voyager. There are wonderful additional characters who never walked the corridors of Paramount's ship. The way in which Janeway and Chakotay's relationship develops, in tandem with events that take everyone to their uttermost limits, is believable and superbly handled. This is how they could have been. This Chakotay I love, this Janeway I like and respect. Enough of my ravings…go there and see for yourself. A word of caution…the series is long and takes a while to download. But it's worth it.
Particularly recommended: 'Fealty', a beautiful tale of love and promise.
Michele Masterson's fanfiction
Heartfelt stories, wonderfully written. I would mention 'The Instant Made Eternity' - this is what should have happened after 'Killing Game'. And, possibly the most moving J/C story I've read: 'Contrition'. This should not be missed!
Some of the best Star Trek stories around, and powerful, believable voices for both characters. She also hosts Claire Gabriel's A/U trilogy, which feature a Janeway and Chakotay TPTB would never let us have, unfortunately. 'All the Songs' shows them as mature, human, thinking-feeling people, instead of the too-often two-dimensional inconsistent characters Paramount treat us too.
Yes, I am not the only Welsh J/C-er. Here are two of the Principality's finest
This is a great page and contains, among other things, a J/C message board, fabulous pictures, and some wonderful fanfiction. I personally loved 'Remembering Galadriel', and am enjoying the ongoing 'Days of Wine and Roses'. Her latest addition, 'Does he?', is a beautiful and touching tale. The 'Resolutions' banner at the top of this page also comes from Gilly and she has loads more. Go and look!
Another Celt...one with whom I share a passion for Rugby. And J/C! Love the stories, well worth a stop. "The Eleventh Commandment" in particular had me howling with laughter. Wonderful. Malabeth is one of my JetC18 pond-mates. More below!
Ghostwriter Gina b Starna Ancarett Stef
Star Trek's Sexiest Man...Official!*
My secret obsession (well not that secret!) The ORB is the Official Robert Beltran site, and the place through which I have made some wonderful friends, united by their interest in, and adoration of, the man himself.
Reader's Poll conducted by Star Trek Monthly Magazine, February 1998. Won by a mile, apparently!
My report from the (in?)famous night at Page's!
ORB - The official Robert Beltran Site
The official site. TDF pictures, words from RB, some interesting features (check out 'Ya Me Voy'), a message board and chat room. This site led me to good friends and a lot of fun.
The Robert Beltran Estrogen Brigade (2!). I am (grins) a member of this group. Enjoy
This Page Updated 12/05/99