My name is Amber Fields and Welcome to my page, I didn't just recently put this up, but if there are any problems let me know through email, please. I would appreciate it :)

Want to see me? You can click here.

If you would like to see my adopted dragon you can click here.

Want to see my Picture Gallery?

A heartfelt Dedication to the one I loved.

Deep(?) Thoughts by Amber.

My daily/weekly/monthly/whenever the hell I feel like it Poem.

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I acquired some of my gif's and stuff from Steph's Gif's and Stuff.

Some graphics courtesy of

All of my ICQ things were taking up too much space (in my opinion) so I moved all of them to their own page, so if you want to see my online status and such, check there. But currently I don't have an isp so I can rarely get on ICQ, so you can still check if you want.

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