My Opinions

The man looks up from a book at you with a very annoyed glare. "What do you want NOW?" he sneers. You ask him if he would care to share his opinions of the other world that you saw in the strange dull room. After a few awkward minutes he responds, "Don't stand there like a twit, have a seat if you're not going to leave me alone. I suppose the only way that I'll be able to get rid of you is to tell you." You hurriedly take a seat and listen intently, for fear of what he might do if you did otherwise.

Things I absolutely hate:

Really stupid people.

Really stupid people who think they are smart. You know them, they're everywhere, some think they know everything while others just think they are an expert in one region, they really bug me. But the worst thing about them is they can't even keep up a good argument. If you try to debate something with them, they either get lost in the middle of a sentence or become too adamant on one point to move beyond it or even consider anything else for a moment.

People who do not know how to leave you alone. It's always the people you hate the most that will continually try talking to you. They're too dense to see that you hate them and instead think that you like them or possibly further than that, if they are exceedingly delusional. No matter how many times you try to get rid of them, no matter how unsubtle, even to the point of yelling in their face, the next day they come back and say that they forgive you for that out-burst. They have absolutely no clue.

Overly happy people. The kind that go everywhere bouncing around with a smile on their face. They think they need to be so helpful and make everyone smile with them. Every time I meet someone like this I get the strongest urge to knock out their teeth. There are some people, like me, that don't want to be happy all the time, and yet they seem to focus on those people the most. It is just plain sickening to me.

Stupid questions. Everyone gets them, people who don't conform get them more often. Some of the more common ones are: "Are you a vampire?", "Why do you always wear black?", "Are you a Satanist?", and many other equally stupid. They don't all apply to my looks surprisingly enough, others are like "Are you smart?", "Do you ever talk?", there are just too many to list. I found a cool site that gives some nice comebacks for the first bunch at: Witty comebacks usually work, but when they don't, sometimes you just have to slug the person, especially after a bad day.

"Adults." Most of them, even if they are only a few years older than you, think that they are always right and you never are. They claim that it's because of experience, but that's not even a good excuse. If they see something that they don't know much about, they don't try to learn more about it, they either run in fear or persecute it until it gives in to their way or leaves.

"Normal" people. Way too many people just try to fit in with the rest of "the herd" as I like to call it, otherwise known as normal society. They will do anything just so that they don't stick out, they buy whole new wardrobes, change their attitude, their likes, their friends, just so that other people don't call them weird. With this normalcy changing almost every day, they do their best to keep up, and they do a pretty good job, just as long as they can scam enough money from their friends and family to afford it.

Incomplete web pages. Like this one, it's annoying when you click on a link and there isn't anything there, make the page before you add a link! It's amazing how many people can't figure that out. Work at least long enough right away so that there is a little to do, even if it's not much, then add more gradually.

People who pretend to be what they aren't. So many people on the internet claim that they are vampires these days that you can't trust any of them. If they truly were vampires, most likely, they would not want to brodcast it to the world. It's not only them, there are thousands of other examples and all of them bug me.

Incompetent speakers. During school, there are always students who can not make a speech under any circumstances. The ratio of "um"s to words with content is overwhelming. This epidemic has also spread to one of my teachers, this particular servant of higher learning often exceeds two hundred fifty "'Kay?"s in a mere eighty minutes. I'm not the only one who has counted.

Counters and Guestbooks. Both of these things are designed solely to boost a person's ego. Almost everyone has them, and the only reason for them is to show how many people came and liked your site. It doesn't matter how many people visit a site, yet even the most worthless page will have one.

Things that I either like or that I am interested in:

Anything dark. This includes what most people consider monsters, vampires, lycanthropes, ghosts, and other creatures like them.

The night. To me, it seems so much better than the day. I'm not actually a vampire, and I don't claim to be one, but there are just so many benefits that you get from the night that aren't available in the day. There are less people around, you can do more without anyone noticing, much better lighting, and there's always a 'rush' that you get from just being out under the moon.

Fear. Not the kind of fear you get from today's movies, where it's just a bunch of gore and monsters popping out at the camera. I mean real-life fear, or the kind that is brought on by suspense, where you just know something bad is going to happen, but you don't quite know what, it seems that no film writers are capable or inspiring this fear anymore, or more likely, they just want to rake in the big bucks for less work and just throw in some blood and organs and are done with it.

Fantasy. It is so much better than reality. It can be anything that your brain can imagine and more. It is not restricted by the bonds that we place on ourself in the "real world."

Philosophy. It interests me greatly. When you get into a discussion with someone who opposes you, but is intelligent enough to rationally discuss their side, it can be a good experience and rewarding for both sides. Of course, as in all things it is better when you are "winning". It feels nice to completely turn it around on them and back them into a corner where they have to admit something, although it is torment to have it done to you which is why you must enter a match thoroughly prepared.