Almost directly in front of you, you see a room filled with various pieces of art that seem to have been done by the owner of the house. Above the arched doorway is a small brass sign on which you can just barely make out the faded script as saying: The Gallery.
Off to you left, there is another exit from the room, it is filled with many grand bookcases that seem to be polished well, and are in good shape. You decide it must be the Library, even though at this point it is mostly devoid of books.
On the upper floor, you notice an old dull room. It is completely unlit, and completely grey, there doesn't really appear to be much of interest. You use your sleeve to remove innumerable layers of grime from a plate that is hanging from the middle of the door by a single screw. After straining your eyes to a great extent, you can finally make out the words: Real Life.
If you're brave enough, you could follow him into that dark chamber that he exited to only minutes hence and see if he would like to share his Opinions with you.
You can see a dim light coming from another room slightly set apart from the rest. As you get closer there appears to be a number of small glowing doors that lead elsewhere in the world, what most know as Links.s you enter, you hear a rasping voice from somewhere in the shadows, "And just what makes you think that you are welcome here?" You look all about you trying to find the source finally settling your eyes on the grand staircase. The voice comes again, and you realize that the owner of that voice is standing in a doorway on the opposite side of the impossibly large room, "Don't be such a fool, not everything is as grandeur as your pitiful mind thinks. I suppose there is really no way that I am to be rid of you without troubling myself, so just look at what you wish and then depart." The figure turns non-chalantly and returns to the darkness of the adjacent room.