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Bringing You Information on Star Wars Toys and Collectibles in the Madison Wisconsin Area

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Monday, Feb. 9th

Jabba's Palace Wave & Jabba

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in a case of the Jabba's palace wave and a case of the new Ultra figures that includes Jabba and the 3-pack with the B'omarr Monk. The figures are now ringing up at $5.99.

Tuesday, Feb. 3rd

Clone Wars Animated Wave 2

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in a case of these yesterday. That's good to hear since the newest waves seem to have bypassed Madison.

Wednesday, Jan. 21st

Tatooine & Hoth Wave

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in a few cases of the Tatooine and Hoth wave figures this morning.

Wednesday, Jan. 14th

TRU East Report

I stopped by TRU east in Madison on the way home from work today. They had 4 of their newest exclusive 4-packs, two cases of the Tatooine wave of figures, and a case of the latest Unleashed wave. The Jedi 4-pack is pretty boring. From what I can tell the only new thing is the containment field. I'm not sure, just looking at it, if the containment field will even work with the Obi-Wan figure that comes with the set. The biggest plus is the new packaging that looks tons better than what we were getting. The Tatooine wave figures look pretty good. R1 is a very nice figure, Luke has the best head sculpt that I have seen so far, and R2 is a good version as well.

Saturday, Dec. 20th

Animated Clone Wars Figures

Target west in Madison had the first wave of their exclusive figures. These are made in the likeness of the animated Clone Wars series. The card design looks very nice and the bubble is a different shape than the Saga figures. They are more expensive than the normal figures at $6.99 each (ouch), but look great.

Saturday, Dec. 13th

Hoth Wave

Ray H. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison had the remains of this wave out yesterday. This wave includes Luke Hoth, Hoth Rebel Trooper, R-3PO, Achk Med-Beq, and the second Imperial Dignitary.

More Clone Wars Wave 3

Both Target east and west in Madison had a few of this wave on the pegs this morning.

Wednesday, Dec. 10th

Clone Wars Wave 3

Wal-Mart east in Madison had several cases of these on the pegs this morning as well as a few cases of the second wave. Unfortunately for me all of the super articulated Clone Troopers were gone. Someone must have a decent sized army. Ray H. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison also got in quite a few of these today as well as a few cases of the Concept Stormtrooper wave. They had enough to justify the use of an endcap. Besides the Clonetrooper, this wave also includes Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto.

Monday, Dec. 8th

Ultra Figures

These have hit the area pretty hard over the weekend. Ray H. reports finding them at Wal-Mart west in Madison on Friday and TRU west in Madison on Saturday. G reports finding them at TRU east in Madison on Saturday as well. Included in the assortment are Wampa, General Rieekan, and C-3PO with escape pod.

Tuesday, Dec. 2nd

A-Wings & 12" Leia Speeder Bike

Zach reports that Target west in Madison had these out today. They were on the end cap by the Legos. Keep in mind they are on sale this week where the A-Wing is $19 while Leia is $47.

Waitress Droid Wave

Gary S. reports finding this wave at Kay Bee Toys west in Madison today.

Thursday, Nov. 27th

Happy Thanksgiving!

More A-Wings

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison had a lone A-Wing on the shelf yesterday morning.

TRU East Report

Richard N. reports that TRU east in Madison had all three of the new Unleashed figures on the pegs yesterday. Besides those, they also had some red ARC Troopers and Green Clone Troopers left.

Waitress Droid Wave

Gary S. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison had a fresh case of this wave on the pegs yesterday.

Concept Stormtrooper Wave

I saw the majority of this wave on the pegs at Wal-Mart Baraboo today. Unlike many Wal-Marts, they were open on the holiday.

Tuesday, Nov. 25th


Target east in Madison had 6 of these exclusive ships on the shelf this afternoon. This is the first siting in the area at normal retail.

Red ARC Trooper

TRU east in Madison had at least 12 of these on the pegs when I stopped by after work today.

Monday, Nov. 24th

More Concept Stormtrooper Wave

Ray H. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison got in these today while my wife, Jenine, also found these at Wal-Mart east in Madison.

Green Clone Trooper 3-Packs

TRU east in Madison had several sets of these on the pegs this afternoon. Good to see that they are still shipping, but I would have liked to find either the red or yellow sets which have been eluding me.

Saturday, Nov. 22nd

Concept Stormtrooper Wave

Both Target west and TRU west in Madison had a few figures from this wave. It includes Concept Stormtrooper, Bail Organa, Elan Sleazebaggano, Padme Tatooine, Obi-Wan Outlander's Club, Janus Greejatus, and Ayy Vida.

More at TRU

TRU west in Madison also had a large quantity of Durge with Swoops and Jedi Knight Army 3-packs. Also, there were two of the new Han Unleashed figures on the pegs. Neither Yoda nor Boba Fett Unleashed was to be found, unfortunately.

Monday, Nov. 17th

New Legos

Ray H. reports that TRU west in Madison got in some of the new Lego sets. He saw 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina, 4492 Star Destroyer Mini, and 4494 Imperial Shuttle Mini.

Sunday, Nov. 16th

Clone Wars Wave 2

Wal-Mart east in Madison had a fresh case of this wave on the pegs. Durge and Asajj Ventress sell out really fast, but Obi-Wan and Mace sit on the pegs.

12" Leia Speeder Bike

Target east in Madison had two of these on the shelf today. It was the first time I have seen them at normal retail.

Monday, Nov. 10th

Anakin's Starfighter

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison had two of these on the shelf this morning.

Sunday, Nov. 9th

Red ARC Trooper

Gary S. reports finding one of these at Target west in Madison yesterday. I saw them at Wal-Mart east in Madison today. They are out there.

Tuesday, Oct. 28th

Clone Wars Figures Wave 2

Ray H. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison got in a case of these this morning. This wave includes Durge, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Asajj Ventress.

Sunday, Oct. 19th

Farm & Fleet Report

Yesterday they opened their Toyland department. I didn't have high hopes since they didn't advertise anything Star Wars related, but they did have a limited amount. Their figures are priced at $4.99 and they had the recent re-mixed cases of Han Hoth and Rebel Fleet Trooper waves. Probably of more interest is that they had Anakin Swoops & Dooku Speeders.

Durge Speeder Wave

Ray H. reports that TRU east in Madison had a lone Clone Trooper on Speederbike on the pegs yesterday. Besides what Ray saw, this wave is reported to include Durge with Speederbike and the red Clone Trooper 3-pack.

Waitress Droid Wave

Target west in Madison had a case of this wave along with a case of Hailfire Droids yesterday. Thanks to Ray, I have a set of the Waitress Droid wave and will do a review in the near future.

Friday, Oct. 10th

Waitress Droid Wave

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in some of this wave this morning. Time to make a toy run again.

Sunday, Oct. 5th

Still More Clone Wars Figures

Wal-Mart west and Target west in Madison had plenty of these guys on the pegs yesterday morning. Although they have not hit in great quantities in Madison, they are in other areas. I hope these don't become huge peg warmers. Anakin I reviewed some time ago, but the others are new to me. The ARC Trooper is the best of the three. His accessories look good and he has ball joint shoulders and swivel joints on his arms. They could have done better with Yoda. His color seems off. Also, I was hoping for articulated legs since they are sculpted more independently, but instead we still get a unileg. I will have to say that as a whole, the Clone Wars line is selling very well here.

Monday, Sept. 29th

More Clone Wars Figures

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in some more Clone Wars single pack figures this morning.

Wednesday, Sept. 24th

Waitress Droid Wave

Ray H. reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison got in some of these this morning. It is pretty nice that figures are hitting with some regularity.

Tuesday, Sept. 23rd

Clone Wars Figures

Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in some of the Clone Wars single pack figures this morning.

Sunday, Sept. 21st

This Week in Review

I have been working tons of OT this week and haven't been able to keep up with reports. The big news is the appearance of the Hailfire Droid and Geonosian Starfighter. Both are pretty cool, but I have especially wanted the Hailfire Droid. Thanks to Ray H. for picking up one for me. Both east and west side Targets got these in late in the week.

Next is the Waitress Droid wave. This includes WA-7 (waitress droid), Emperor, Danni Faytonni, Darth Vader, and Luke Tatoonine. Gary S. reports finding these at both Target west and TRU west in Madison.

Lastly, there haven't been any reports of people getting the Clone Wars value packs in Madison. But Gary S. got the closest finding them at the Wal-Mart in Baraboo.


This site designed and maintained by Ted Schmidt ( tschmidt@itis.com ).

This site accessed: Counter since Nov. 12th, 1998

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