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09-05-99 (17:00 GMT) Finally, after many hours, Blizzard's site became accessible again, and they announced their new project: WarCraft III. From what can be seen so far, it looks really good. It bears some resemblance to Myth II, but it already looks better, especially the unit graphics. It is expected to be released at the end of 2000, but no word of a Mac release yet. Stay tuned for more...
09-05-99 (11:00 GMT) So, the world is supposed to change. All that happened so far is that instead of getting the message shown below on Blizzard's site, we don't get anything. In fact it is impossible to access the site at all...signs of a redesign? Stay tuned for news later on today... 09-04-99 An update, at last. But at least it is a major one. The site has been redesigned as you can see. But the major news for today are happening elsewhere... Starcraft II maybe? Be sure to check back tomorrow. Other news for today: -Scratch the idea of a webring, ARMaddware has joined www.macstarcraft.com -It'll still take a couple of days to fully update and incorporate the rest of the site into the new design. -We will soon start releasing maps, so check back for updates. We had very little time in the past weeks, hence the delays. Old News: 07-01-99 Mac Brood War has gone GOLD! Blizzard is rumored to announce their next product on July 5th. It will be a sequel to their 'Craft series. 05-22-99 Almost a month has passed since the last update. I had absolutely no time to make any updates. Here they finally are. Blizzard officially announced Diablo II for the Mac, you can read the press release here. 04-23-99 Diablo II is coming to the Mac!! The redesign on this page is now complete. There will be some more minor changes though. The unit descriptions & tactics will be enhanced, but the actual content will be kept since it cannot be found on Blizzard's sites anymore. We will from now on also regularly post news on this main page. Please excuse the delay and the absence of updates during these past two weeks. 04-15-99 The Protoss strategy section of the StarCraft Compendium has now been completed. You can check it out here. 04-05-99 Zerg section updated with unit descriptions. Contact us: E-mail. |
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